Million Dollar Quantum Breakthrough with Robert Grigore

Episode Summary

Today on Hindsight Hacking we are talking breakthroughs. Not a tiny breakthrough but a Million Dollar Quantum breakthrough. Robert Grigore CEO and Founder of Million Dollar Quantum Breakthroughs has a team of experts who are hired by talented coaches, consultants, or experts to UNLEASH their Million Dollar Celebrity Authority because most are hidden from their ideal target market, are undercharging and over-delivering, and are plagued with he guarantees a million dollar business, a million dollar mindset, and a million dollar brand transformation. Bottom Line: He guarantees his clients million dollar business transformations and the security to know they can't fail.

Episode Notes

Robert has something for being a listener of the show.  Robert will give you the Million Dollar Quantum Roadmap Call.  It is where he hels talented coaches, consultants, and experts craft a high-ticket offer to bring in an extra million dollars in revenue to their business.




This call is for FREE! That is a savings of $1000! Just for being a listener of Hindsight Hacking!


In the words of Robert, trust yourself.  Trust where you want to go, find the strategic partnerships that you need to get there and know that regardless of what is in the way you will get to your destination!



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Episode Transcription

[00:00:53] All right, everybody. Welcome back to another episode of hindsight hacking and today's special [00:01:00] guest, Mr. Robert Grigore and if I could roll my R's, I would pronounce that correctly, but today that's how we're pronouncing it and we're going to run with it. But if you don't know Robert you're in for a treat because he is about million dollar quantum breakthroughs. And what do I mean by that? Yes. Just wait. We will get into it and has a team of experts hired by talented coaches consultants to unleash their million dollar celebrity authority, because the most are hidden from their ideal target market and are under charging and over delivering. Hopefully Ron and I are in that market right now. We might need to raise our prices. We'll figure it out soon. As soon as we get to learn more from Robert, Robert, I am super stoked to have you here. I'm super stoked to learn from. And welcome to the show.

[00:01:47] ROBERT: Thanks. It's a pleasure to be here, guys. I really love this. And, and, you know, for all of the, of the, of the audience right now, I think one thing I want to share is that it's a great intro and really probably don't know much [00:02:00] about me right now. And I think probably deciding do I really want to listen to this episode. So I'd like to share that. And before we get started, my main goal for this is to help inspire you to. Generates, perhaps a high ticket program or something, a method for you so that you can generate a million dollars in revenue in your business this year, the way that we teach it is, and we inspire our clients to follow it is that it does not take a whole lot of extra work. It's just about accessing your value and branding that properly. And then, and then of course you want to be in potatoes and selling a high ticket program. So I hopefully if that inspires you to watch and listen and follow along, I think a million dollars per year is, is a nice reason to keep listening

[00:02:48] RON: absolutely. Like I've been looking forward to this interview and brandings, like my jam. So, and we talk all about understanding your value. So we are super stoked to get into it.

[00:02:59] ROBERT: [00:03:00] Awesome.

[00:03:00] RON: So why don't you go ahead and kind of catch people up to speed of a little bit, who you are and more about Robert.

[00:03:06] ROBERT: Yeah, for sure. Ron, I've got to say quickly with the branding, you branded that your profile picture on Facebook. When I first connected with you, I was like, how did you get your hair outside of the logo? So you got to talk about that. Have to share some of your secrets there

[00:03:20] RON: I'll do that later

[00:03:21] ROBERT: a little bit about me, who I am. So Robert Grigore for my professional career, I started as a celebrity psychotherapist very early on in my career. I, you know, I should, I should say I started in the, in the deep end of therapy, which was male survivors of sexual abuse. And I provided a great container and a great opportunity for those males to share their story often for the first time ever. And that was great. I loved it. I learned a lot, but as time went on, I became burnt out. They became burnt out and they weren't able to really transform.. They were hearing the same [00:04:00] story over and over and over. I was hearing the same story over and over and over again. And I thought, man, if I keep doing this for the next 10, 15 years, I'm going to be so depressed and sobering doubt. So I found a type of therapy called EMDR, and that was the really the entry point for me into becoming a real fast acting therapist where I've rebranded myself there. And I, and I took that type of therapy and made it my own thing. So I was able to get, you know, one year results in about a weekend with my clients. And this is what really draws celebrities and I profile entrepreneurs who don't have. One hour every single week for six months, eight months, two years, 10 years to spend in talk therapy. So I want to do everything in a single weekend. So in my therapy business, that allowed me to [00:05:00] really sell my first high ticket program. And that's really where I'm going with it. Is I thought, well, if I can do everything I used to do in a year, in a weekend, that's gotta be worth more. Right? Like there's gotta be something there. So I, so I remember the first time that I first asked for my high ticket program and that was the first one was 10,000. And the guy came in, he sat down, told me his story. And I was like, yeah, I can do that for you in a weekend. Really? Yeah. I can do that. And I was like, well, do you want it? You said let's do it. So he hands me over his credit card and guys, my hand was shaking, but I took the car and I was like, don't shake Robert don't shake. Don't shake. Don't shake. You don't look like you just look like you've done this for

[00:05:42] RON: Pretend I've done this twice.

[00:05:44] ROBERT: Yeah. And that's what we rang it through and everything was great. And he, we, we did, I did his weekend and then, and then like a one really quick followup. And then we were done wow. $10,000 for a week and of my time. That was cool. Maybe I can do more. [00:06:00] So of course, right. How much can I squeeze out of this? I did that for a 10,000 and then I sold it for 15,000. I sold it for 25 or $30,000 right away. Like, you know, three days of my time, $30,000, it was, it blew my mind and it sold quite a few of them. I still sell that actually to this day. Then I also went into sell a hundred thousand dollar package program within my therapy business. And that was a, a learning experience, which I won't do again the same way. But it did tell me there was a market for high ticket programs. And then from there, what I really wanted to discover for myself or wanted to help my clients with, you know, and as a therapist, I was really only able to accomplish mindset. Right. And I really wanted to be able to do more for my entrepreneur clients so I then created a million dollar quantum breakthroughs and that's that?

[00:06:56] CORY: All right. So anybody listening, if they've never heard this [00:07:00] before, including me, they're going to see the link to your website. Million-dollar And they're going to still ask the question and this I'm going to read it from your site. What is a million dollar quantum breakthrough and on the site it says by quote million dollar quantum breakthrough quote. We mean that you have had the quantum breakthrough experience of welcoming at least $1 million into your life. So please, please, please expand on that because a great, again, this is, this is an interesting concept that I think. And I know Ron and I like we're, we've got this goal of hitting the million dollars, you know, for the company as like the next next goal. And, and so this is very time appropriate for us to try to understand. And so, yeah, please expand on.

[00:07:49] ROBERT: Oh, perfect. Perfect. Yeah. So the, the word quantum was carefully selected. Well, I should say it really came to me and I'm most inspired to use the word. For two [00:08:00] different reasons. One, a lot of people are familiar with the concept of quantum leaps in business context. I mean, there's an entire program for that sort of thing. Right? And so when we're talking about going from, we work with clients who are high five figure, low six figure, and they've been stuck on what I call the high five low six figure financial rollercoaster. You know, things are going well sometimes and everything's up. And then all of a sudden there's the down. And then, you know, you might be dipping into savings or, or, or, you know, not seeing clients come in and then it goes back up again. And it's just sort of that constant, you know, at most entrepreneurs are familiar with this and so to go from there all the way into a million dollars in a very short time period, that is considered a quantum leap. That is a quantum breakthrough, where we're now operating from a whole new perspective where we're now we're million dollar businesses. Going into [00:09:00] more. And of course from there, you're going to want to go into eight figures. like You meant you nailed it. That there is a, there's a target that we want to hit. There's a way to do that a lot faster than the traditional blood, sweat, and tears of building a business. In my opinion, that's one aspect of the quantum. The other aspect of quantum is actually. Working with the quantum field, which is something that I'm quite, it's quite dear to my heart. Now, going on the heals or on the shoulders of amazing individuals like Dr. Joe Dispenza and really utilizing the concept and the practice of accessing the energy, if you will. That is in all things, you know, for in quantum. I'm not a quantum physicist. So, you know, don't ask me some mathematical questions and stuff, but there's a lot that we can do on the sub atomic level with just with how we think just with how we feel and when we're in a high. [00:10:00] Vibration, which is also known as flow. Most people are familiar with the concept of flow. If you know that the experience when you're really enjoying something and time just goes away like that, you look at the clock and it's like six hours later. Like how did, how did that happen? You're in quantum flow, when you are able to harness that experience for a long. Term goal that it speeds up the, the, the time it takes for you to actually get there. So instead of spending 10 years to get there, we can do it in one year. hope that answers the question.

[00:10:31] RON: Yeah, it does. It does. It's so funny. Cause like Corey's right. This is like perfect timing for us. And it's crazy how things just kind of align and, and go in, but so much just resonated with what you were talking about and I was understanding how either a we've just got through that, or I could see that coming or how we can utilize that. And a lot that you were talking about, if I'm right is truly, it's a mindset piece. Right. [00:11:00] And, and you're helping people, like, I think fast track that mindset quicker than them, a trying to figure it out on their own or. You know, you found, you found a key to do that, is that sound about right?

[00:11:15] ROBERT: It sounds right too And I, and I try to steer away, you know, the, the word mindset, cause usually people hear mindset. They go,

[00:11:22] RON: I understand what you're saying. Like, I didn't want to use that word. I didn't want to use that word, but that's like where my mind is currently at. So.

[00:11:33] ROBERT: And just so you guys know too, there is no crypto investing involved in this, in this process.

[00:11:39] RON: There's no Four axis conversation after this. Like, I don't know. like the show's over. I thought it was all about four axis.

[00:11:48] ROBERT: Well, I mean, they're in the program, you know, once one significant money is coming in, we, we, we do include guest speakers about investments, but not [00:12:00] we're not going to ever push anything down our client's throats right there. There's no, there's no, we're not pushing any kind of scheme or anything like that. It's it's. Here's some different ways of investing your, your now maybe quarter million dollars or three quarter million dollars that you made at that point in the juncture, in the program and, and, and so on and so forth. But yeah, that's, that's, that's, that's really what this is about. You know, the very first foundational piece of what we do. And this is really where I come in. This is my bread and butter. Is that over that high ticket program? I told you my therapy. It's very similar to that. We're going to be taking a weekend, you know, me and we're going to be completely wiping clear what I call success, sabotaging resistances from the client. And this is stuff that every entrepreneur. You know, really does struggle with in some level last time I checked about 90% of entrepreneurs have a fear of failure. So high, high number, [00:13:00] everybody, every human being alive has one of, you know, a good handful of negative beliefs that really challenge our success. And some are, you know, not good enough. And in the entrepreneur world, that's a big piece of it. When you go on to social media, for example, and you see how some coaches are apparently living, they may or may not be actually living that way for real, but it's easy to compare oneself with. And then think, well, I'm really not good enough, or maybe I don't belong in the million dollar level or, and, and truthfully, you know, most people have experienced a challenge growing up to some at someplace in time where they've, uh, brought along some sort of money, you know, sabotaging beliefs that, you know, I can't hang on to money or it's partly one of the biggest ones that I've come across. I have to work really, really hard for money, right? It doesn't come easily success. And this is something that the [00:14:00] wealthy business gurus, who I talk about a lot, kind of really pushed down people's brows. You know, you have, if you're not working seven days a week in your business, you know, 18 hours a day. Then you don't want it hard enough. You don't want it bad enough. So you bet you better miss your son's baseball game. If you want to be successful. I think that's complete bullshit. I don't think that's accurate. I think that people can do actually a lot more if they work smart and with the right kind of structure and that's really the important thing of. About this entire conversation as you gotta be on the right structure, right? If you want to go from, where are you guys located right now?

[00:14:39] CORY: Colorado,

[00:14:40] ROBERT: Colorado. So if you want to down in BC, so let's just say you want to follow, you know, the Rocky mountains you want to head into British Columbia, right? You want to have a direction of where you're going, right? So you want to stay within that structure. You don't want to just start walking. Know, let's go south for a little bit. Let's go west. Okay. We're going to go east now [00:15:00] back north and then go back south. And like, if you're not keeping yourself aligned within that specific structure, you can put all the effort you want. You can go seven days a week, 18 hours a day, but if you're going in the wrong direction, I don't think you're going to get there.

[00:15:15] CORY: Yea and that's Part of the challenge with, with any of these entrepreneurs. And I say this with the full recognition that Ron and I were part of this group of not knowing the direction that we want it. Right. Like it was, it was hard enough to figure out I like. Before we moved online, we had a in-person business and doing masterminds and different things like that, that we were facilitating. And then we transitioned online and we're like, Hmm, we could do that. And we could do that. So we could go north and east and west. And then, you know, we got a little ways on each one and never very far until we picked the direction until we picked the structure. Right. And then it's like, oh, all of a sudden now, Now we can keep going. And so how do you foster [00:16:00] that? And I'm sure the people that you're working with with the high five and six figures to get them to that seven figure, mark a spot, they're the ones that did figure out the direction they wanted to go. And then. Help them with that kind of mindset to really take it to the next level. Is that, am I reading that correctly or

[00:16:18] I would say

[00:16:19] ROBERT: that sometime. That's the case. However, when I first meet with some, and this is something I'll ask the audience right now, like who's, you're listening right now. You're watching right now. If you had all the money in the world, if you had all the time in that. And who had all the human resources to accomplish anything you want in the world, what would you want to create? Just because it's fun. What would you want to do? What would you bring into existence? Because the world, uh, want the world to have this, because it will be amazing. And what have you get for that answer? That is your true north. That's your, what I [00:17:00] call a true creational goal. And from there. Now you're holding yourself within the structure and I'll tell you what the million dollar business is. Just one step in that direction. It's not the be all end all, because once you get to a million dollars, you want to go to eight figures at that point or a 10 million, then you want to go to, you know, a hundred million or something like that. But we all have to start somewhere. And that, that question, that's the very first question I ask anybody when. I'm on the, you know, I'll call it them or I'm meeting them for the first time and they are a business owner, because I know, I know exactly how difficult that was. And my first structure, I, you know, I was right there with you guys. with how you started. I was like, I want to be a psychotherapist. That's it? That was my, that was my goal. And I thought that was going to be the path to, you know, wealth and, and everything. And most you know, psychotherapist, if you talk to them, they'll tell you they're [00:18:00] not rich. Turns out there's like maybe three or four that are very wealthy and then that's about it, but they become celebrity authorities. And that's, that's part of the, part of the drugs you with the branding is so, so to go back to that, that you, you, you have to be in that right structure. If you're in the structure, that's fantastic. What happens when you're in the structure is you start to draw things to you in your business, your influential people, the right connections, the right programs, the right books, the right podcasts, the right things that actually help propel you in that direction. And when there's no six, what I call this, the success sabotaging resistances in the way of that goal, then it just. Comes faster and faster and faster. And, you know, magic happens. Really?

[00:18:46] RON: Yeah. I love that. You said, you know, creating. Something fun and go find your life. I literally was just having this conversation with someone the other day, like Cory and I, we created our reality. Like we created our [00:19:00] job, we created our business, we created our lives. We created our reality and I was telling somebody, I go, look, if I didn't believe I could do it before, like, I believe I could do it now. Cause we just lived it. Right. And I also understand. anybody Can do it. Anybody can do it. It's not for the elite. It's not for the rich and famous. Anybody can do it, but you have to be aligned with your true north and what drives you. And then everything will conspire to make that happen. Right? What's, what's a couple of the roadblocks because I'll tell you right now, you go back two years and someone would have told me, Hey, you can just create this. I would have said probably not. Um, but so how do you get. Past that roadblock, especially if they're stubborn like me.

[00:19:42] ROBERT: Well, that's a great question. And, and you're pointing to. Those success, sabotaging resistances right there, where one of the other false premises that'd be come across. Is this, this idea that, because I can't see it, it doesn't exist [00:20:00] or because I've never done it before.

[00:20:01] How can I show that I can do it now? Right? A lot of people are okay with it. Maybe a little change, like at, you know, in my therapy business, for example, I would charge $110 an hour, and then I moved it up all $120 an hour to 140. And you know, it's very slow increments. So to tell, to tell somebody, let's say who they're just starting on. Yeah on their entrepreneurial journey to say, Hey, you can leave the corporate world and you can create your own job, be your own boss, you know, have your own schedule and you can do it in a way that will make you very wealthy. That is a big jump for a lot of people. And that comes from that, those beliefs, you know, I, I can't, I, who am I. To be able to have that, you know, I don't have a, a business degree. I don't have an MBA. So how can I be successful in business? Well, now, if you can hear underneath of that story, it's, I'm not good enough, right? I don't belong there. I'm insignificant. I [00:21:00] need to be perfect or I'll fail. Those are the beliefs that block people. And if we can clear that stuff, which is actually quite easy to do, and then just hold that dream of that true north the entire time we're going together, then that person's going to make those quantum leaps faster and faster and faster, and they're going to be blown away by what they can do.

[00:21:21] CORY: So good. All right. So I want to, you know, hindsight hacking, we gotta talk about hindsight and so I'd love to get your take on if you. knew sooner. What you know now, what could you have, would you have changed differently in regards to getting past those little things from the one 10, an hour to one 20 from the 10,000 to the 20,000, right? Like w. How could you have made that quantum leap a little bit faster, kind of what's, you know, some of that, some of those, maybe one little block that you removed from somebody to help with someone like Ron and I make that quantum leap that you learned along the way that you could share.

[00:21:58] ROBERT: Can I give two answers [00:22:00]

[00:22:00] CORY: Only one allowed I'm sorry, Robert. Of course

[00:22:04] ROBERT: What should I say so the one that that's probably. The most powerful piece of advice is to really trust oneself. Trust your. Deepest, you know, to find that alignment. So if I could have, if I could go back in time right now, I like to talk to my younger self who was not selling a high ticket program, did not really recognize his worth.

[00:22:36] And if I could help my younger self to recognize that. I in fact, could trust my vision for myself, what I really wanted to, to accomplish and allow myself to just dream, just let yourself dream what that might be, and then trust yourself to actually move in that direction. [00:23:00] I am certain that had I done that rather than stuck to the roadmaps, if you will, from the, from the gurus that I followed and really, you know, just sort of change my life and how I operated and base that upon other people, only that I looked up to a little bit. So this was the old stories that I was falling. If I could just trust my own path back then, I'm certain I would've come across the strategic alliances and partnerships, people that would have taken me further faster. And if I had been open to that, but I was really stuck in my ways. There was only one way to do things. I have to do it this way. This is the way. You know, the, my college, you know, of, of my psychotherapy practice, there's only this. And so I was really stuck in this little, you know, uh, box. I wasn't, uh, wasn't thinking outside of that, I wasn't, I thought coaching was [00:24:00] something that I didn't want to go near ever. I was like, no, I'm not a coach. I'm a therapist. So by defining myself into this tiny box, I really limited myself. So had I trusted where I wanted to go, regardless of what was in my way, and just knew that that was, I would get there that would have taken me faster and further. And I would have been probably here as Sooner than that

[00:24:24] RON: oh, my gosh. That is so true. That is so true. And I know this has resonated with a ton of people. What, what are you kind of working on now? How can people get involved with you? What's the best way for them to connect with you?

[00:24:34] ROBERT: Well I'll tell ya. So the number one way, you know, back in the day, I used to say, well, I'll check out my website and you got Instagram. And I got all these things, but really what would be really fun is. If you're not driving, if you're driving, put your, you know, put your phone down, don't, don't do this. And so you, you pull over, but

[00:24:52] RON: Once again he knows me so well, Cory

[00:24:55] ROBERT: mental note. Ron mental note [00:25:00] so grab your phone, you know, like me on Facebook and like me on, on, on LinkedIn and just search Robert Grigore or you can type in the celebrity savior as my nickname and I'll pop up. Just send me a message and say where you connect with me, where you first heard about me and then we'll start the conversation that way. That'd be really cool. And if you're doing it, do it right now, do it right now. I don't want to ask you guys. I know, tell you of course, about my million dollar quantum breakthrough program and everything, but I'm so curious about from your perspectives. What's the, what's the golden nugget you want people to take from this.

[00:25:35] RON: Well, it's ironic. You said that because we end every show with two golden nuggets from the show. So you will have two takeaways. Yes.

[00:25:44] Should I ? I'll tell you about my, my, my program. Then you guys can end to show how you're normally do, because I don't wanna, I don't want to mess with your flow

[00:25:50] ROBERT: you're all good.

[00:25:52] CORY: We are, we are open to change, so it's all good

[00:25:55] RON: . No right. Or wrong way. We're all getting it.

[00:25:57] CORY: Yeah. And I'm going to have one more question after this, but. [00:26:00] Ultimately every single program, if there is some kind of change involved, there's some kind of mindset shift that has to happen. I don't care if it's a thousand dollar program about a podcast that we teach, or if it's something that's a hundred thousand dollars within the quantum millionaire, the stuff that you do teach there is some kind of mind shift stuff that has to happen. And I just hope that people understand that. Yes, we all hate to talk about that. We all, we all don't necessarily want it to be about that because there's this negative connotation, but it is about it. And I don't know why people have such a struggle with it. And so as you, you talked about that at the beginning, that like, that's part of the message that stuck with me that. And Ron, and I've talked about it before. Like there's a part of there's mindset in every single coaching program. I don't care what you're talking about. Like every one of us that want to be better, we should just accept that that's there's mindset in it. And I [00:27:00] just hope people can understand that a little bit. And then, and then the last piece that you're talking about, trust oneself, because of where you want to go, where your true north is at the end of the day, if you trust yourself, regardless of what is in the way, you'll be able to get.

[00:27:16] RON: Yeah, absolutely. Both those phenomenal. I'll do my two takeaways for sure. One was one that I've said before, which is understand your value and really understand how to put a value on you. You're a gift. Right. And really understand what that means to people. Cause since it comes easy to you, we don't value that. Right. And so you have to get kind of flip that switch to understand, Hey, it comes easy to you because that's your gift. And it's valuable to other people because they can not do that. Right. So that's one, but one thing that you talked about and it kinda sums up a lot of the stuff on why people should connect with you and get involved is so that they can fast track. Themselves [00:28:00] through your learnings and other people's learnings quicker than trying to do it themselves

[00:28:04] ROBERT: I really appreciate all those points, guys. I don't think I could have said it better myself. Honestly, you guys do a great job. Yeah. I think, I think that, that the mindset is an important piece and the structure of, of, you know, of where you're, what you're in, you know, you know, the saying you are the five people that you hang around with most, and it's really true, right? Like, If you want to learn how to be a millionaire, you hang out with other millionaires. If you want to learn how to have an incredible podcast, you hang it with great podcast hosts, just like I'm doing right now. I don't have a podcast yet, but I might in the future. So here I'm learning right now. So it's, it's really, it's really about hanging out with the right people that will, will help you grow. And you're absolutely right. Everything does, you know, our thoughts do create our reality. You guys literally created your reality out of your thoughts. And it's one of the pieces I like to joke about. I think that successful entrepreneurs have to be a little crazy. [00:29:00] We've got to actually, you know, we, we have to believe in a future that doesn't exist just yet, and we need to feel it, taste it, smell it fold it all that. And believe in that more than the reality that we have right now at times, right. Don't don't live, you know, don't walk off the ledge or something like that. Like it's, you know, you, you are alive

[00:29:19] RON: You still can't fly

[00:29:25] ROBERT: exactly your car. You, if some people have flying cars now, but your car will not fly with you. Yeah. But we have to, we have to kind of, you know, believe in that a future vision more than the current reality. And if you align yourself with the right people that also believe in that vision. I mean, think about what you guys have right here, this partnership, having a partnership where you can draw on each other, you know, when one of you is a little down, the other one can be up and you can bully each other back in. And that's a valuable thing. So when I talk about strategic alliances, I talk [00:30:00] about strategic partners. That's a critical part of it, you know, in my program, for example, I am not the expert in all of it. I am the mindset guy, and I know a lot about my own experiences with business and branding, but I have a professional world-class speaker that teaches our clients how to speak on stage and how to actually. You know, sell to one to a thousand, you know, and I've got, I've got, I've got experts for everything. I've got COO that will teach you all about systems and how to put. So it's really about, you know, who you're aligning yourself with. What, what is the crowd that you're spending your time? So, so, so important,

[00:30:39] CORY: love that. And, and Ron and I, I mean, even from a, we believe a coach should have a coach, we believe it, you know, everyone should be getting better and, but don't just go have a coach to say you have a coach, right? Like make sure it aligns with the piece of your business that you are missing. Right. For whatever that situation is. And so we're very strategic on not having too many [00:31:00] voices, but having the right voices at the right time. To, to take us to the next level and we encourage everyone else to do that. But, but my final question for you, Robert, it's a super important one because we didn't get into it early on your backstory, but tell us more about the celebrity savior. Tell us more why, why that, why that nickname. Or, you know, every aspect of, of what you got going on and how, how come that's.

[00:31:27] ROBERT: Yeah, that's a great question. And so it's actually, it's got a couple of reasons behind it. The first one is I grew up as you heard the term, the term latchkey kid. So that means I spent a lot of time by myself. I was, I was overwhelmed. I was overweight. I was, I struggled a lot of that anxiety, depression, stuff like that as. And I spent a lot of time watching movies and, and TV shows and playing video games. But the celebrities that I really you know, were drawn to help me through that time period. So Robin Williams is a good [00:32:00] example, Jim Carrey, he's still with us, although let's not talk about them right now. There's, there's certainly, there's certainly a lot of, of, of celebrities that pulled me through music, Lincoln park, you know, So much benefit that the celebrities that helped me get through my times, I love them so much. And then as I got older and started working professionally, I started seeing them dropping off, you know, and I, I actually counted the number of well-known celebrities that had committed suicide or od'd by accident were just astounding, like 150 well-known celebrities in a single decade. And that just breaks my heart because those are the people that many of us look up to. That was a driving force. And then what happened with. As I started getting well-known in my area in Vancouver, BC for my EMDR work, I had a high profile media celebrity. See me on TV. I did a national nationwide [00:33:00] news, little segment, three minutes on EMDR. And she called me up, said, Hey, Robert, I need some help with this addiction. I'm having trouble getting in front of the camera. I need to take a shot and chase it with some medication. Well, I should totally help you for sure. Come on in treated her exactly the same. Just like to everybody else, celebrities are just liberties or people that have the same issues, slightly different issues, but they're human. She comes in. I treat her the same way. Tell her about, you know, it's probably going to take at least three months, maybe six months, maybe 12, depending on how bad the addiction is. And, and then this blew my mind. So she came in, I was his hot shot EMDR therapist, and she came in 45 minutes into the first session, which is a 60 minute session. She got up smiled at me, straightened her dress. So thank you very much. And she walked out she walked out. So here I was as much an EMDR therapist thinking that I was going to heal this [00:34:00] celebrity. And she walked out on me before the first session was over. So I fell flat on my face. I was like, wow, I can't believe that happened. Apparently. So it doesn't just happen in the movie guys. It's it's, it's it's real. It does happen.

[00:34:13] RON: that's crazy, crazy

[00:34:15] ROBERT: yeah. I was like, so I called her up, you know, after three days or so it'd be walling and myself pity. I can't believe this happened. I'm not good enough. I need to be perfect. You know, I'm going to fail. Who am I to think that I'm, you know, helped the celebrities and called her up as simple, what happens, you know? And she said, well, Robert, you seem like a really nice guy and everything, but I needed help now like right now later that that day I need to go on the air and I didn't want to feel the way I was. And that was really what drove the impetus for me to work faster. So, you know, I thought, well, okay, I never got her back as a client, but that forced me. It's like, I got to do this stuff now. And then maybe think like, you know, there's Vancouver over here is, is, is basically mini LA. So there's all kinds of, you know, movies that are shot here, the exchange [00:35:00] rates better. So that's one of the reasons why it was a lot of filming here and we'd have incredible scenery, just like, I think you do in Colorado. I've never been. You've got mountains and ocean and, and beaches, and you're really changed dramatically. So there's some good sets. And that forced me right there. It's like, if somebody comes in, you know, Leo DiCaprio or somebody needs help with something right away, I'm going to be able to help you now not in six months from now, not after the movie's done, I want to help you right now. So that, that really drove me home. And so because of that, my clients named this celebrity savior and then that actually got picked up. I did an interview with a two time Emmy award winning television producer, who also happened to work with Oprah and we did an interview and then she went with that. The rest is history. So I thought, Hey, I'll take the branding that's not bad.

[00:35:49] RON: It's always good when someone else brands you, right.

[00:35:51] ROBERT: Yeah.

[00:35:52] RON: Right. So that's always a, it feels good. And to the needs, you've connected. So that's great. All right. So you've, you've crafted this program. How do people get [00:36:00] involved? What, what can they expect from this? Like, tell us a little bit about that

[00:36:04] yes. So yeah,

[00:36:05] ROBERT: if you're interested, just like I said, connect with me on LinkedIn and we'll have a chat and I'll ask you that question. If you had all the money in the world and all the time in the world and all the people that help you, what would you want? And if that, you know, that really feels like something we can do, we'll have a conversation about, you know, what it would look like for you to craft a hight ticket program and something that I'll give all of your audience right now. If they just say where you are, you met me from will, I'll give you a wave. The fee. I usually charge a thousand dollars to do, to craft the high ticket program with you. I'll do that for you. No charge. And the first step is that we're going to create a high ticket program. It's a blueprint. I felt a million dollar quantum road map. And it's literally that it's a high ticket program. And when I say high ticket, I mean, minimum $25,000, all the way up to a hundred thousand dollars plus for the right program, this is not a $10,000 high ticket, $25,000 minimum. And we're going to create [00:37:00] that and what's the steps involved and you know that some of the important details so need, it will be enough for you to run on your own if you want. And that's my gift. I want people to have that. Started thinking about high ticket. And if you want to hear about our program, I'll tell you that. There is absolutely no high pressure sales tactics here. There's no fake scarcity. If you're a fit for my program and you want to give me a hundred thousand dollars for it. Okay. Or $25,000, you know, whatever it might be, we're going to find a spot for you. Okay. And we're going to find a spot for you, but it's got, we have to be a good fit. Right. We have to make sure that you'll fit within the group and everything. So yeah. Is that's exactly it. Hop on. We'll do a roadmap

[00:37:42] CORY: all right, robert, I love it. You know, I also love and appreciate the genuine, like this is, this is the program. And then the false scarcity, like it's one thing to, you know, sometimes there is a real scarcity, but oftentimes it is false as you just mentioned. And so I appreciate the genuine, [00:38:00] like it's, we're either fit or we not, or we're not Ron and I, we turn people away. If they're not about impacting people and they're more about impacting a bank account, then they're not a good fit for us. Like there's gotta be, you know, some of that genuine ability to make the world a better place. And so I love the fact that you're out there doing that and yeah, it's high ticket and you'd benefit from it greatly, but more importantly, the people that you're serving.benifit from it as well, and they can impact their people. So I love it. I love meeting you today. I love going and getting to know this stuff and I've noticed maybe, maybe a strategic partnership can be formed in the future, but again, thank you so much for joining us today.

[00:38:42] ROBERT: I love it, guys. Thank you so much for having me. This has been an absolute pleasure and, and thanks for everybody that you're, you're listening, watching. Thank you so much.

[00:38:50] RON: Thank you Robert we'll talk soon

[00:38:53] CORY: and everybody out there we've already done the takeaways. So rewind about 10, 15 minutes to catch the [00:39:00] takeaways. You don't, you don't have to wait for. For Robert to exit this time, like, you know, we're here, we already did it. So thank you everyone for watching. Thank you for listening. Thank you for being part of our community. Absolutely go create an impact.