Connect. Converse. Close with Cat Stancik

Episode Summary

Today on Hindsight Hacking we were joined by Ron’s alter ego. Cat Stancik the Queen of one liners, the Lead Boss extraordinaire, the mom of three and the one that shares her own confidence with her clients so that they can win in their businesses.

Episode Notes

You do not want to miss this episode as Cat for sure had two mic drop moments that we discussed and multiple other moments of pure gold being shared with everyone.


A little about Cat -


“Are you ready to toss out complicated overly automated tech and funnels that are expensive and time consuming to build, never work as well as people told you they would, and honestly make you want to tear your hair out?  


Meet Cat Stancik.  She's going to share with you a simple and strategic approach to consistently fill your pipeline with highly qualified leads that are ready to buy, so you can hit your revenue targets predictably and spend your time the way you want.


Known as the Lead Boss, Cat works with time-crunched Experts and Entrepreneurs, who want to multiply their 6 figures over and over again to scale past 7 and beyond.”


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From Overlooked to Fully Booked: Sell out your high ticket programs in 90 days or less with Cat!



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Episode Transcription

[00:00:00] CORY: Welcome To Hindsight Hacking I'm Cory Carter

[00:00:06] RON: and I'm Ron Cool this podcast we've hacked hundreds of entrepreneurs, hindsight. to help you the listener With better foresight. Now, guys, if you want to know all about what we can do to help you focus on being you head over to get H, keep pushing through those ups and downs. And we all will.

[00:00:36] CORY: We're still going to have amazing conversations with amazing people. Hindsight hacking boils down to amazing conversations with some amazing people.

[00:00:47] Alright everybody. Welcome back to hindsight and today, we are joined by a very special [00:01:00] lady. The one, the only miss Cat Stancik. Now, if you are ready to toss out complicated. Overly automated tech and funnels that are expensive and time-consuming to build, but never work. As people told you, they would. And honestly, make you want to tear your hair out. I love all of that. I had to read it line by line. So, but so you get to meet Cat today. We're going to talk about all that. She's going to share the simple and strategic approach consistently fill your pipeline. We're going to talk about a couple of, her programs, lead boss CEOs,if I remember that correctly off the top of my head action incubator. I mean, we've got all kinds of fun stuff that we're going to get into today because if anybody listens to the show and likes mission impossible. You're going to want to head over to actual or right now, actually not right now, because you got to wait until the end of the show. You got to listen to first. So Cat thank you so much for going to this today. We're super excited to chat today.

[00:01:59] CAT: [00:02:00] Thank you for having me. I super appreciate it. And Really appreciate both of you showing up. Cause you know, you never know if you're both going to be there or not. So, yeah,

[00:02:07] RON: true. That is. But sometimes it's weird when we don't show up sometimes, but anyway, no, it's good. We are super stoked to have you and I can't really wait to get into a book before we get too far into it. Why don't you take a moment to introduce yourself a little bit more, tell everybody a little bit more about your backstory.

[00:02:25] CAT: Sure So I was always successful and massively, you know, recognized worldwide. So, I mean, there's not much struggle that I went through, so, you know, not much backstory there, but you know, fine. If I need to open up a fairytale experience, let's go ahead and do that. All right. So, you know, I Leaving the psychiatrist kind of couch experiences behind or on the side, if you will. Cause they're all there for every single one of us. If you think that someone has it altogether, then you're probably looking at the wrong version of their story. So let's not pretend that we're all beautifully and amazingly capable. I went through my own little cocoon struggles to become the [00:03:00] butterfly or the amazing person that I am. But really a lot of my background came from living someone else's expectation right? So like, What was it that someone else or we thought someone else wanted us to do. And that's kind of the path that I started living. So I, yes. Went to college and got my MBA and got a big, high corporate, fancy paying gig and kind of the pot at the end of the rainbow. Wasn't the treasure that I was actually looking for, right? Yes. I was living a dream. Absolutely. I mean, there were so many benefits and so many things to be grateful. Yeah. My soul was dying a little bit every single day. So I got out of the corporate grind by starting to open up the windows to opportunities. So, so many times people talk about doors. Sometimes it's little crack and I might end up cussing. So just go ahead and put that R Rated warning on the podcast right now. We're expert. We don't know what the fuck's going to happen. All right. So basically I started working part-time in my business. [00:04:00] Setting it up getting the foundational components in place and transitioning out of my corporate gig. And I am super appreciative of everything that I have because you know, having the high level clients, you go through a lot of experiencing managed hundreds of people on teams and things like that. You really get an understanding. And I think I went through what most entrepreneurs do, which is completely discrediting everything. I learned all of my achievements when I started down my entrepreneurial. And just basically feeling like I was a newbie in the world and really just, I invested in really heavily, right off the bat into my business, 20,000, 10,000, you know, the lots of commas and the things that I invested in and really never got that ROY. And essentially I came down to a place $30,000 in debt. You know, I had other debt in terms of college and an MBA and really looking at, I, I'm not making it, this isn't happening and I really can't keep up this facade anymore. Pretending. Things are going well. And I've got this new client and all this other stuff. And I mean, another scary investment in my business when I [00:05:00] absolutely thought I couldn't. And that's when everything turned around, it's how I went from having $14,000 years, To $100,000 quarters. And it was really about establishing the foundational aspects of business that had never really been explained to me. Particularly when it comes to organic lead generation. And so kind of over time, as I learned from different people and gathered my own experiences, I created a path that is flexible for my clients to use, right? So it's not this one size fits all. This is the only strategy that you'll ever be able to use. It's about saying here's the buffet, which of the pieces do you want to consume? And let's get to eating. I might be hungry. So that's where that analogy came from.

[00:05:42] CORY: You're going to have a lot of food analogies folks today. So just get ready

[00:05:46] RON: It's a bad day for me to start fasting.

[00:05:49] CORY: Luckily, your fasting doesn't start yet, right?

[00:05:51] RON: I know it's great!

[00:05:52] CORY: You got like one last meal before, but but Cat let's talk about that a little bit. As far as learning from others. [00:06:00] Transitioning to doing things that you, you really wanted to do, versus what others wanted you to do, who was your guidance? Who's the person or people that you started to really latch onto. And obviously they might be doing different things and what you do, but who are some of those people and kind of what was that process of, of learning and a reason why I'm asking that question because Ron and I believe so much. In, you know, keeping our mind sharp and learning and not learning from just anybody and everybody, but having specific, you know, people that teach us specific things based on their expertise. So I just, I love what I'm hearing people talking about their journey on learning. So yeah, just let us know.

[00:06:39] CAT: So, you know, I first have to start with the people I shouldn't have. Right. So there's, especially in the entrepreneurial world. I think a lot of people kind of get this, but they don't get this until afterwards for the most part, family members and friends are not safe right. Like, we want them to believe in us. We want them to be proud. We want them to celebrate us, which is [00:07:00] why we kind of keep going for beatings and getting disappointed as much as like my mom wants to be able to support me. She just doesn't get this world and so, for her example, it's safer for me to have a job than it is to be my own boss. And she absolutely supports me, but she doesn't celebrate me in the way that I receive, because it's not the way that I want it to. I want the fanfare. And if I went to my business best friend and said, Hey, I did this. She'd be like, oh, I got it. And be like, yeah, right. Keep loving on me. And I told my mom and. That's great, sweetie. And I'm like, mom, why don't you love me more? That's the first thing that I had to learn really quickly, right? Was that those were not the people. And so I think that's what kind of led me towards my first investment was trying to find my tribe. Like where were these people that had to exist? There had to be people out there who were like me because so much of my life was spent feeling like there was no one like me. Like let's not go back to high school and grade school, right? Like my entire experience up to this point was I'm the weird too much [00:08:00] person. And I know there's a lot of people out there where it's this duality that exists within us, which is I'm too much. And I'm not enough all at the same time and always in the wrong. So looking at that, I started, you know, making those first initial investments and, you know, did I learn that I get clarity Sure I'm not going to like name bash or anything like that because there is always value to be had in every investment. It's how you choose to look at it. And it's kind of actually why I started doing what I was doing, because most investments aren't bad. It's just, there's a piece missing. And that's the piece I focus on because when you learn what I do. Then you make those other programs actually work better for you. So like are funnels bad. Absolutely not. I have funnels. I have automation in my business, but it only works because those things amplify what's working in your business.

[00:08:48] RON: Right.

[00:08:48] CAT: And so I've looked at what each time I make a decision and make those investments in my business, I really look at, is this something that, that I need to do or someone else needs to do? And if it's something I need to do, how do I learn it as [00:09:00] fast as possible? So looking at making those intelligent business decisions. Now back then it was who was someone who believed in me, even if it was a big old lie, because there are a lot of silver tongue snakes out there. I refer to them a lot of times as bro marketers, right? So their best interest and most, you know, sincerest, loving selves show up until you get the credit card number. And then they basically tell you to F. And they don't deliver. Right. And so yes, we do want to make sales. Sales is great. I like making lots and lots of money because it's a reflection of the impact. It's not just my ability to buy a Lamborghini. Right. And so those are the things that I had to learn first was where do I see someone who's really an integrety and how are they going to support me? Not just tell me what I need to hear so that I give them the credit card number. That's who I learned from first in terms of who I went to. And after that, it was really starting to identify what were the missing pieces with me. And one of the people that I absolutely was phenomenal and changed a lot of what I [00:10:00] did was Adam Urbanski. So I worked with him for awhile and then learned a lot of things. And then what I realized, I think along the way was, and I think we do this a lot, which I'm sorry, I'm talking so much. Is that when we buy from someone, especially when we haven't really formed ourselves, even though I was a grown ass adult, I hadn't really formed how to communicate the value of what I do. And basically what we do is, and I did this as I became like a chameleon. I became a mini version. If you will, a copycat of those people while it was a pun while I was identifying my identity. And so along the way, that was actually one of the biggest barriers for me to be able to make money. My business was because I was always being a version of someone else. And why would you buy from me when you could buy from them? Because they created it, it's their source. So basically what I started looking at is how I went from those $14,000 years to $14,000 quarters, to $100,000 quarters and months, and whatever beyond was by looking at where was [00:11:00] I able to stand in my power and what were the things I needed to release? Because as again, I was living out someone else's expectation in my life and just say this And when I released doing like sales and just stood in generating leads, that's when the shit happened in my business. And so really looking at the people who supported me most often were, I mean, it was my husband, right I'm really lucky to have that. Like every time I want to make an investment in my business, I just have to say, this is what I want to do. And he's like, he's okay with it. and then Slowly building that small tribe of people who are going to cheer you on no matter what, that's a very long-winded answer to that question.

[00:11:35] RON: It's hilarious. It literally sounds like Corey and I's like exact journey, like exact, I mean, we started out and, you know, there was, we, we decided who we were not going to be by going through other people's stuff or like, ah, that's a great learning and everything we took was a learning and there was a couple of things that we hated one way. Like you get in an [00:12:00] instant. Like try to get you into something else. It's not even like, you haven't even got the statement yet for the credit card. And then trying to say in the 25 K option over here,

[00:12:13] CAT: it's not a logo. It's not like a $7.

[00:12:15] RON: No like hey,. This was a hundred dollars. This one is now 25,000, if you want to be my friend. So, but so that we said we would never, and then the other thing we found, I'm just going to call it shady because I hated it as well, you buy something for a thousand bucks to do something right. Whatever it is. But in, in four weeks you're supposed to have end product ready to go. Well, there they pump you up for week, one week. Two's awesome. Then week three, they're like, well, you have to have this stuff in order to do that. Luckily I did graphics. So we saved a thousand bucks. Right there and then the next week where people are trying to do this next launch thing, they realized it's harder to [00:13:00] do the pieces. So now it's another a thousand bucks and we're like, oh my gosh, people are like, get nickeled and dimed. So we're like, everything we offer is all-inclusive like, it's going to you believe with everything. And so we learned that from him. Going through the bro marketers, like you said, there was so much, you said there that I loved that resonated with me and the whole expectation piece that spoke to me directly because I'm recovering people pleaser and I'm bad at recovering at it, but I tried to be recovering at it, but it's just

[00:13:36] CAT: So corey ask , Ron for favors

[00:13:39] RON: right. Right. My, my mom, like literally the story you'd said about your mom, like that was my mom all day long. She's like, you, you, you need the good job. Cause I was, I had like the best paying job that I've ever had ever. Right. And I go, I'm quitting and she goes, why I go? Because I hate it. Like, I, I don't want to [00:14:00] do it, and she goes, well, what are you going to do I go, what we're gonna live in under this really cool box under this bridge I found because she just doesn't what I do. And then when she asks, I tell her and she is deer in the headlights and I'm like, I just play games on my computer all day and I get paid to do that. It's fun. And it drives her nuts. That's how I do things anyway. So the whole expectation piece, people listening. How did you just get past that? Like, cause I know that. You know, I know I'm probably not going to be able to get past that. It's something I always have to continually think about, but how did, how did you get past that.

[00:14:36] CAT: So I bet when I shared this story, Ron, since it sounds like we're, you know, very similar in terms of our experiences, I bet something's going to hit you. And you're going to realize that you probably had a very similar moment. So we go ready to go into the inner depths of our soul and our trauma. So I remember

[00:14:52] RON: I'm on a couch, I'm laying down. We're good. Yeah.

[00:14:55] CAT: Take a seat. Relax. Oh my gosh this is so entertaining, All right. Basically I [00:15:00] remember, you know, I share some of these stories and a lot of times people tell me, you know, they appreciate that. I share them because. I am sharing personal stuff. Like this is not just a whole, how do I make an add drama to this? So this is one of those stories. And basically I was bullied. I was picked on all this other stuff and it was horrible and all that stuff. It made me who I am. So there's appreciation and the experience. But I do remember very specifically. And I was, I think I was in fifth grade. I was sitting in the bathrooms in one of the stalls eating my lunch. I mean, and I'm really germaphobic so y'all can tell like the extent to which I did not want to be seen socially and being out there and I was eating my lunch and I remember thinking life can't be like this, this can't be it. This can't be how everything else is going to be, which is how it feels. And so in me and I, when I look and think of it back then it didn't happen in that moment. But when I'm thinking back on it, I felt like there was this light [00:16:00] inside me and life, just kicking dirt on it. Right. And so just pile and pile and pile, but it still was there. And if I looked in the right angle on some of the days and the worst of my days, I could still see a crack. And basically through going through this entrepreneurial evolution, if you will, it has been some of the best therapy I could have paid for because it's helped really shine my bright. I've been able to not only unearth it, but Polish it and bring it out and shine it because what it really does is it makes me the lighthouse for other entrepreneurs out there. And it helps me make sure that they're continuing on their path without hitting the rocks that I may have crashed on and had to patch up. And so that knowing. I think really lives and people who have that drive. It's what you call a drive ambition, determination, high achievers have that knowingness in them somewhere deep, deep inside, whether they're connected to it or not, that this can be better. Life can be better and along the way we can better the world. And [00:17:00] that's the thing. And so what really motivates me. Is I believe in my clients the way someone should have believed them.

[00:17:08] CORY: I love that how you're talking about how you are caring for your clients. Like, I mean, Ron and I we've, we've built our entire business on, we get referrals all the time because we take care of people, right? Like we don't nickel and dime people because we don't believe in that. We, we find a fair price. Not just because we want to make a million dollars. Like we find a fair price because we try to do what's most affordable and allows us to keep the roof over our heads. Right? Like all the stuff that's for the best of our clients, as often as we possibly can and you know, and that, but that also goes to, we will tell people not to work with us if they are not ready for the things that they're asking. And so. Let, but let's transition the conversation a little bit in that sense to lead boss, to fully booked that CEO to [00:18:00] one of your topics that I saw was overlooked to fully booked all this fun stuff. So I don't know, where do you want to start with those?

[00:18:06] RON: Really cool phrases man, unreal.

[00:18:09] CAT: I'm like the queen of the one-liners like I'm really, really embracing that. Like I've got these, these zingers and people like, you know, I always get a lot of great reactions. There's one in particular. And I'll, I'll share this one. and go ahead and like bust the mold on it. Cause I kind of set it up this way. So a lot of times, one of the things that people will come to me for is a place where people get stuck so my specific process is connect, converse, and close. And so a lot of times like the concept of connecting with people, if we keep it at the, like, if we look at the iceberg like superficial level, we can all hit that connection you know request button with people who may or may not be our ideal client, but we click it right but where people and people can close. And there's a lot of amazing specialists who talk about all the angles of sales and stuff. And I talk some of it, particularly in the angle of don't sell the way you buy, sell the way that your ideal client wants to buy and looking at aligning those and [00:19:00] identifying the process. And here's the hack since you guys are all about hacks is you can actually sell to every single buyer type before the sales call. And you can automate it. So like, that's that aspect of things. So that got Ron interested, all of that, but where people get stuck is actually in the middle, it is in this place of conversation. And it's what I talk about when I say, how do you go from talking about the weather to whether we should work together, that whether to weather. Turn of the conversation is where most people get stuck. Because especially when you're doing high ticket sales, like you PS, you're going to get on the phone for high ticket sale. I haven't seen or met anyone other than like Oprah and maybe Tony Robbins. If people willing to hand over 20, 30, 40, $50 million without getting on the phone with someone, right. We're not there yet, but I'm saying right, we're going to get on the call with people. And the reason that. Stuck is because they don't want to be sleazy and slimy and pitchy. Right. We meet pitchy, Pete on LinkedIn all the [00:20:00] time, sliding into the DMS, giving us PTC that's post traumatic connection disorder and slapping us with a pitch. The second we accept connect. Right. So how do we show up for people? So that we attract more leads. And then once we've kind of started mastering that ability to go door to door, how do we create a firework experience? And what I mean is how do you basically throw up some fireworks in the middle of the day, if you want, have people stop in their tracks and go, that's interesting and have them pay attention, which is what effective marketing is.

[00:20:35] RON: I love that. So attract don't chase to simplify it, attract don't chase.

[00:20:40] CAT: Actually exactly which is why I actually wrote a book that says experts never chase. Lucky for me right there.

[00:20:48] RON: Once again, we're on the same wavelength. It's kind of creepy, like the stories we hear.

[00:20:55] CAT: That's my favorite compliment

[00:20:57] RON: It's awesome. I love it. I love it. No, and it makes [00:21:00] it, it makes it a fun show. I love that you automate things and that's one piece that I think people. The other piece of, they're just afraid to ask for what they want and then they don't value themselves truly how they should value themselves like Corey. And I learned that the hard way, our very first pitch, we made three levels. We always give people options and they didn't even hesitate and took the highest paid one and that was our first like real pitch. And we were all excited. And I remember telling Cory I think we made a mistake like nobody, like we've been in business long enough. I've owned businesses. We've both ran businesses. No one, no one does. I go, well,

[00:21:44] CORY: they didn't even talk to each other. Let's clarify that there's partners

[00:21:48] RON: There's four people on there. They didn't talk to each other, they accepted. And said let's go.

[00:21:52] CORY: Yeah,

[00:21:53] RON: I knew there was a problem. Literally at the end, she goes, I, I would have paid you four times. That [00:22:00] amount you offered. And my answer was, I know that this was just an introductory offer. So you guys can try things the next time it's going to be a little bit more. And so the next time she came. It wasn't exactly what she said. She'd pay me. It was a little bit less. So she still felt like she got a deal, but we learned that you have to value your self and the problem with most entrepreneurs or talent people, it comes easy to them. So there's no value to them because it comes easy and other, I feel other people can do this because it comes so easy to me. However, They can't, that's why they hire a who to do that. Right. And you just have to understand the value yourself, understand what it is and be okay. Not getting the sale.

[00:22:51] CAT: I'm going to add one little comment to that asterix, which, and I, 100%. [00:23:00] And they know that there are a lot of people out there who love to do this. This is how they get you buying. Right. They basically go and you get on a strategy call, right. And they plan out your million dollar business and you get super hype and they super simplify and they're like, oh, you just need to close. Five people at $25,000 a month and then do this offer, and then you're at a million dollars and they keep their calm. Cool, you know, radio voice go in super excited and you're like, yeah, that's totally possible. And then like six months in, you're like,I haven't made a, fucking sale. I didn't experience that at all.

[00:23:33] RON: Not at all

[00:23:35] CAT: So it is valuing yourself because we've all seen, like, I have offers that I started at like $500 that are now $25,000. Right. Is the offer that much different, a little bit, like, let's admit that my ability to receive between $500 and $25,000 was significant. And I think that's where a lot of like, and I know because I struggled with this and still do sometimes like, [00:24:00] Placate and just be like, yeah, I'm cool. Everything's good with me. But if I get some fucking pitches after this guys, I will ram you Don't help me with your mindset. I'm good alright you don't need to help me. I know where my gaps okay let's just call that out, but yeah, in terms of being able to receive so action oriented people, doers, people who are like, how do I do it? If I get a blueprint, I will go and activate it. I will implement all that stuff. Now we know that the gap there is actually making the decision right. Learning with it. But our ability to receive is somewhat it's that opposite end of the balance. Right? So like, I know that every time someone's like, well, you just need to learn to receive. I'm like, how do you do that? Tell me how and understanding. And then I hate this because I roll my eyes. But then I also say it is also our ability to release. So in order to receive, we must release, but there's that fear, right? And we have it, no matter how close we narrow the gap, because an intelligent entrepreneur is going to mitigate risk. Right. [00:25:00] Yes, we do things that are risky, but we mitigate it as much as possible. So we bring the risk where we are and where we want to be as close together as possible. But there's always going to be a gap. There's always going to be some level of leap of faith that you have to take. And I know that I've done it, like playing with my kids on the playground. If I have to jump to a certain place, there's like, you know, that tingly body, like stomach dropping kind of sensation, you know, you don't know if I'm going to make it. I know it's only two feet, but I haven't jumped in a while. You still have to do it.

[00:25:27] CORY: Yeah.

[00:25:28] CAT: It's the Indiana Jones and the temple of doom, the bridge is there. It's just, do you have the perspective to see it and changing your perspective and using the tools around you? To used dirt to be able to validate that there was actually a bridge there, but there was still that moment where you had that doubt, right. And you landed. And that's what we have to do is just have the faith that we've built, skill sets over time that will land. And even if we land on her face, We can still get up because we have that skill set too.

[00:25:58] CORY: So how

[00:25:58] CAT: it's called a soapbox, right [00:26:00] there I'm known for those

[00:26:01] RON: I liked it, it

[00:26:03] CAT: was good.

[00:26:03] CORY: How do we Get people to truly have that faith that truly, you know, get to that point where the fear is. It's okay. Like, let's take that step on, put the dirt on it, right. And take this step. Like, like what's, what's the magic trick to

[00:26:19] CAT: one word it's confidence. And it's sometimes what, and I remember I had my clients say this to me and when they said it to me, because our clients will reveal our super powers to us over time. Right? Like we, in this, the things we dismiss, just like you were talking about Corey and what, one of the things that they said once, and it's always stuck with me is you let us borrow your confidence in us until we build our own. Ooh, I have so much confidence in my client's ability to succeed because I qualify them. I work with the right people. I'm not just working with everybody, but I believe in them so much. That's what I was talking about in terms of, I believe in them the way that one, they should believe in themselves, but in the way that someone should have believed [00:27:00] in them so that they could believe in themselves. And I believe in them and I, because I'm not attached by their fears, I'm not attached to their limitations. I am only attached to the desired results that they can achieve. It's all within the realm of possibility. It's that light. I see there. Even though there might be dirt on it, even though it might be tarnished, even though they might think it's good patina, it's not right.

[00:27:23] Like they have the ability. And so, because I can believe in them so strongly, it almost creates undeniable evidence that it is absolutely possible for them to achieve, because we know as entrepreneurs, we love to dismiss all of the evidence that demonstrates that we're capable. And look for the evidence that, oh, see right there. That's why I can't do it. Right. That one little lady bug on that tree is the reason why I can't grow an entire garden. I'm done. Right. Instead of looking at the harvest that we've already consumed and created, this is a decent analogy, right. And dismissing all of that, our stores of food that we already have. [00:28:00] Right. We are plentiful. We are bountiful. We are capable, but it all starts with our belief in ourselves, which increases with confidence. That's what connects us to the possibility.

[00:28:09] RON: I love that. And I love that you believe in them so much, they can borrow your confidence in them until they get there. That's that's powerful. Holy smokes. I love that. We talked about You made an investment when you didn't know you can make an investment or you didn't think you could make an investment and that changed your whole buisness changed everything. What was the investment in.

[00:28:36] CAT: It was, it was a $6,000 investment and it's not that anymore, but you know, when you've got, when you're racked with $30,000 in debt and 90,000,

[00:28:44] RON: it's a good number. That's a good number.

[00:28:46] CAT: Yeah. That's a good number. Yeah. And you know, you got a mortgage and you've got two kids. Right. And I didn't have my third one at the time and you're looking at it. You know, I got to keep working in this, in this position that I'm just, just [00:29:00] doesn't do everything for me. You know, you're just kind of really looking at the hill, getting higher and higher and becoming a mountain. I remember I sat down with my husband. I said, this is something I want add to took. We went out to dinner. We were already going out to dinner, I wasn't planning on buying. I wasn't, I wasn't, I was going to fucking do it on my own. Right. I had made all these investments. I was going to work it

[00:29:18] RON: right.

[00:29:19] CAT: But I knew deep down inside, there was still something missing. And I was tired of feeling like it was me. I was tired of being told, well, it's working for other people. You just got to try again and that's not. what?

[00:29:33] RON: It must be your offer.

[00:29:34] CAT: Yeah, it must be my offer. Well, you know what part of it was, it was in my ability to communicate the value of what I do. That's for sure it was my ability and having a consistent message. It was my ability to go out there and actually be connected.

[00:29:51] RON: No, that's our thing all day long. Cause people will start a podcast cause we help people launch podcasts and do podcasts and they're like, I'm going to do well. You guys do five days a week. How about no, [00:30:00] the answer is no, don't do that. Cause you don't know what that takes. Do one a week. Get months ahead, grow your business, and guess what still do once a week. That's all you need. Just focus on your impact that you're trying to do. Don't add until you get way ahead and you want to.

[00:30:18] CAT: I love what you just said, because it has everything to do with like the business model. There are so many times people think that there's like the membership site and then high ticket sales. Like that seems like it's the duality of like the things that, that exists. And there's so much in between. And a lot of what people don't understand is that you do belong in your business basically at the beginning and everything else is all about your clients. So you belong at the beginning, meaning you have to know who you are, who your expertise is and what kind of business is going to support your lifestyle, because I see so many people hustling and grinding and wearing it like a badge of honor, like, I'm sorry, if you're going to talk to me about hustle [00:31:00] and grind, keep moving. Like, I don't want none of that energy in my life. Thank you very much done it. Been there don't want it anymore, right? Like I'm gonna delegate and automate the hell out of stuff, but really looking at, are you building a business that supports your lifestyle? People don't all want a fortune 100 buisness having a boutique business where it's high touch, high delivery and high ticket is absolutely. Incredible. And it's perfectly fine and absolutely acceptable to have as a business vision. There are plenty of people making a million, $2 million a year as a boutique company, meaning it's them. And a couple of people that's it doesn't have to be hard. Unless you decide that that's how you want to live.

[00:31:41] CORY: Yeah. Yeah. 100%. And that's, I mean, for me, that's how I live my life. Even like, as a, as an employee, I was like, the harder I work, the better I'll be like the more promotions I get and the more hard, harder I work. And then the more travel I get and all this stuff I wanted and it's like, wait a minute I got this family over here. I'm not [00:32:00] even around like, come on, I gotta, I gotta switch things up. So that, that's what led me to, to meeting Ron is kind of that whole process. And, and so, you know, we are very conscious of be mindful of where you want to get and then work backwards a little bit. Right. And, and so for those, like, Ron was talking about that, want to do a podcast 2, 3, 5 days a week. We're like, well, let's make sure you can be consistent with first and, and figure out how does that fit in. And then if you want to up it grear. Right, but then how can you fit it in with other stuff you're already doing? Right. Like try to get it all to work in synergy.

[00:32:32] CAT: I like giving people a reason why being consistent works because a lot of people talk about you need to be consistent. They're like, yeah, sure. I get it. I get it. Consistency is the ultimate risk reversal. That's what people don't to talk about. Why do you need to be consistent? Because it takes risk off the table. If you are consistent for yourself and in your business, that's how you're going to show up for that person, that client you're going to work. If you give people a reason to not buy from you, such as not being consistent, which is one of the [00:33:00] most obvious ones, then you're leaving a ton of leads and opportunity on the table, right? That, that consistency is the thread that you're weaving throughout your entire business. If that thread breaks your whole business breaks. Now there are times where you can put stuff on, you know, you can automate stuff. You can absolutely repeat and repurpose and we leverage. Please make it easier on yourself. I like talking about putting strategic effort into your business to create the ease like you guys are talking about with podcasting, create a bunch of episodes, right? Cause you're, you're excited. You're you're ready to go. You're going to go on and book people use that energy in that VIM and the vigor to get stuff. And then you're going to kind of like burn out a little bit because that's how humans are. And so now you don't have to worry about that because you've created a backlog you've created space. That's how you use your natural energetic cycles to put that effort into creating the ease in your business. So if COVID happens and you can't work for three weeks, because you have three kids under the age of seven in your house for three weeks, without any [00:34:00] help whatsoever, and you can't do anything in your business, this isn't personal at all. No one knows. And it doesn't miss a beat because you got ahead of stuff

[00:34:09] CORY: yep, definitely. It's

[00:34:10] RON: I'm going to keep that recording and we're just gonna play that over and over to people. Don't trust us, listen to cat.

[00:34:19] CORY: All right. So Hindsight Hacking we got to talk about hindsight a little bit. I want to, I want her to kind of relate it to where you ended up in your business with being the lead boss and really focused on that piece because a, we need to talk about that next, but, uh, B I just want to hear, like, what's the story. that Solidified you in what you do now, what's the learning that you had. And you're like, oh, I would've learned that a little bit sooner, you know? W what was that hindsight that, that you, that you have share

[00:34:49] CAT: I learned it when I needed to learn it. I will definitely say that. And I think that there is a time and place for learning this lesson. I don't know that learning this earlier on would have a little bit earlier on sure but [00:35:00] not like when I was in grade school or something like that. And the lesson that I really. Learned I wished I had learned a little bit sooner and I think it was always there, but it was really embracing the power of it. Stop trying to improve your weaknesses, lean in and completely embrace your strengths. It's exactly what was the pivotal moment. When I was in my corporate career, where I went from kind of not doing great at a bunch of stuff, doing okay to just really getting promoted, consistently getting raises, getting recognized, getting awards, you know, actually being able to create space in my day. Like I was in a consulting like consulting is not like a nine to five. But really being able to say no, and letting I walked, I was consulting with hair like this and the professional environment that just doesn't happen unless you have some clout. So that clout started being built when I started saying no, but yes, to the right opportunities. Right. Because they aligned to my strengths and finding the people that can support me and, [00:36:00] and, you know, kind of bolster me up. And then basically what I did was it wasn't just me. It was my team that became a power house because I checked in with them and said, what is it that you're passionate about? What is it that you want to do more of? Sure. There's some administrative stuff we're all going to have to do from time to time, but how do we keep doing more of the work that we love and then valuing them at the highest level that we're supposed to. Next level lesson

[00:36:24] RON: that is brilliant. I've used that to help team build, like team-building pieces. It's like surround yourself with a bunch of people that can do things you can't do. And let's just really focus on what people do well, and we will explode. Right. But I've never like put it on myself like that. That's interesting. I'm going to take notes on that one. All right. So you have this amazing program. Right. Talk to us about that. I know there's people listening that are like, Hey, that A sounds like me a lot. B that's weird that they're following me around and it sounds like me, so that's weird, but [00:37:00] I want to understand how I can get unstuck and how I can. Move forward. Talk to us a little bit more about the actual program and how you help people.

[00:37:09] CAT: Sure. So everything that I do comes back to my system. It lives and breathes within this certain organic environment, if you will. And it has everything to do with connecting conversing and closing. And so all of those are just absolutely weaved through everything I do. It's about every piece of content, either it goes deep or broader within those three pillars, if you will. So everything I do relates to that, whether it's working with someone or whether it's, you know, content that I put out, speaking opportunities, all that stuff. And so really I have two main ways that I work with people. One it's in my group program. It's a 90 day revenue accelerator, and it's really about creating the system. So yeah, there's stuff that you're doing, but predictability and consistency doesn't, isn't luck if you're in a place where you're still dismissing your abilities to generate revenue to luck of someone was in a good mood or, oh, [00:38:00] I'm not too sure how I did that. It's a little bit of that slap upside the head and be like, no, you did do it. You did it on purpose and there's a mechanism for you to be able to repeat that success. So that's really kind of, the focus of the 90 day is to really create, build, opt and start looking at how we start optimizing it. Then I do have a mastermind and I'm very, very selective as to who goes into that one. It has to be personality fit because this can be a lot. It's the perfect amount for some people and actually a lot of people, if you will, and really looks at how do we start leveraging our time more effectively in our business. So yes, there's a system. Yes. There's a mechanism to create success. And we are not always a person that has to do all the aspects of things. And how do we start getting our business in a place where you can start narrowing your focus? Narrowing the amount of time you work in your business to actually increase your revenue. So most times it's, you know, revenue time, revenue time, and how do we start decreasing the time and increasing the revenue. It's about building the systems, the processes, [00:39:00] and the people around you to be able to do that. And so looking at what are the things, because they're like the little things that I like challenging people on, which is you're not the only person that has to sell in your buisness you're not the only person that has tomarket for you. So, you know, like there's ways of leveraging things in to creating that ease if you put that strategic effort in. So those are kind of the two levels. And I have a course, but I have the course because I have a course, like the reality is, is that what is it, three or 5% of courses actually get completed.

[00:39:30] RON: Right.

[00:39:30] CAT: So it's kind of like, if you are someone who is really the go getter and you're independent and you are actually going to fulfill and you complete every single course and you achieve success from those courses. There it is. Right. But at the end of the day, most times people want my brain on their business because that's, what's going to break through those barriers and get you to that other cross, the finish line experience.

[00:39:51] CORY: Awesome. So TA talk to us a little bit about the. The marketing that you do for that. Obviously you have a podcast, [00:40:00] you have some cool websites. How do you get the traffic to them? What what's, you know, I think you got YouTube. I haven't checked it out, but you have a YouTube station. I failed on that. So yeah. Talk to us about all that stuff.

[00:40:12] CAT: Mindblowing answer to that. Are you ready for it?

[00:40:15] CORY: Yes

[00:40:15] CAT: I use my process to sell my process.

[00:40:19] CORY: Pen drop

[00:40:23] RON: pen drop. Oh, no, but that's so true. Like, literally it was funny because we, like I said, this and I actually got yelled at, I don't remember who I got yelled at for diminishing our podcasts. No, no, no, it wasn't you. I said, I've said this for two years now. Corey and I left two 6 figure jobs because of a silly little podcast and everyone's like, you got to stop saying it, it's a silly little podcast. I'm like, have you listened to that show? It's, it's kind of silly. I think that's an accurate, accurate statement, but, [00:41:00] but they're like, no, you've done this and people are trying to do it. And I was like, yeah, but we've just followed our own rules of how we did it. And all of a sudden we were everywhere. Right. And did that take more time? No, it was less. But the planning took more time. So we planned it more and then we executed. So you said something a long time ago in our interview was understand, learn and execute. I wrote the execute you said something else, but I didn't write it as fast. And I was like, that's a word that I know we'll use execute. So it the exact same thing where you, you understood something, you learned it and then just, you actually took the steps to make it happen.

[00:41:41] CAT: Yeah, right. That's where most people get stuck is in the flirtatious area. Right. They're like, yeah, it's really cool. I'm going to do this thing. And like six months later, it's still not happening. And I mean, it's why you download. So if you're like, that's not me bullshit. All of us, right? If you have free lead magnets that are [00:42:00] in your folder, that's like other people's lead magnets or feed lead magnets or whatever it is. And you haven't read it. And guess what? You're not implementing it's human nature. It's almost like a self-preservation thing, actually. It's ego. Right. And it's not wrong. It's just, there's something there that's triggering you and you're looking at it and it becomes maybe unsafe. And so a lot of times it's really getting clear. I love that you talked about spending more time planning because a lot of people just want to get into doing, but then they make a big ol mess yeah. It's actually, it's like when I'm with my toddler and we're cooking. Right. Which is rare because I am, I'm a little bit of a control freak. Don't mix. It don't break that okay. It's hard, but what's, ease what's easier for her. If I lay out all the ingredients and leave them on the counter or if I take it so that's effort, number one, right. Is I'm just going to take everything out and I'm gonna put it on the counter and it feels like a mess cause I'm pulling everything out and not putting it back up. Or what if I took the thing and I measured the one teaspoon. Right. [00:43:00] And I had that there ready for her. And then I did the same thing with the baking soda and dah, dah, dah. And then I kept putting things back as I use them, which one gets us to the end product faster. I mean, truly at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. But the thing is, is that we're making something or cooking it, we're tasting it and then we're building upon it. And so, so many people stop with just the big mess that they've made and they kind of take everything and throw it in the trash. And what kind of investment waste is that in terms of time, money, possibilities.

[00:43:28] CORY: One last question for me today, Kat, and first of all, thank you. You've, you've been fun and amazing, and I'm sure people will hit the show notes here shortly to head on over to all your fun links that we'll put there. We, I don't know, Ron and I wake, we fully believe in teach done is better than perfect. You know, the action is, is better than the inaction, but you still have to take that time to plan and you still have to take that the proper steps to make sure that the things that you're doing are worthwhile. But I remember when Ron and I first [00:44:00] started in the online space, we're like, oh, we can, we can do that. We can do that. We can do that. And we didn't have the focus. We didn't have the exact idea of exactly how we plan to serve this community. And and we kept starting and stopping, starting, and stopping and really not truly getting anywhere. And I remember we had the conversation and it's like, well, you know, the whole niche down. And we're like, how is that gonna help us? We limit the people you can serve. Right. But the moment we did it, it was the moment we started blowing up. And so I, so yes, we both fully believe in it, but I'd love to hear your take on that. And, and the whole, like how. How do you get people to really figure out who they serve, what they're doing? I assume maybe they already know this by the time they work with you, but to kind of, what's your take

[00:44:48] CAT: I love niching to a certain amount And I kind of take a different view than probably what's the standard books and things like that in terms of the recommendation, which is when someone asks me to niche down, I'm kind of a little bit of [00:45:00] a rebel. If you Couldn't tell when people tell me what to do. It's like, I really have to take a lot for me to be like, I might be like, huh. And then I go and do something different on my own. But I tend to want to look and instead of, so I niche to a certain level. Right. So yes, absolutely. And then for me, it's an energetic connection. So a lot of times when people are like, I can't find my people online, I'm like, well, one you're probably in a lack mindset, right? Because if you think there's only so many people you can work with, then that becomes your reality. And what you think is what you receive. So your ability to expand and get into an abundance mindset, like in that's a whole other kind of conversation, I'm sure that you guys have talked to many people about, but to say specific to this, I would let me give some actual tactical things that people can do, because I haven't done enough of that yet. And so what do people think of, right? They look at the demographics, how much money does someone make? What's their title? Where are they located? How many employees do they have? What's their, whatever, their revenue versus the annual revenue, all this other stuff that is. searchable But how do you [00:46:00] find someone energetically? Right? How do you know that you're going to like this person that comes down to values, right? So what are your values? What are my values? Our values, like one of the big ones that we three have in common is family, right? We, time is another value. Impact is another value that we have a humor is. I mean, all of these are things I can't search online or can, I want people to do is actually open. LinkedIn, because I work on LinkedIn and Facebook, mostly I've got Instagram and all this other stuff, but those are the main, my two main platforms. And so the strategies that I teach and train people on work across platforms because it's based off of a human interaction. And so the platform is just a conduit to the conversation, you know, write that one down. So, right. So it doesn't really matter what platform you're on. You want to make sure your clients on there. Right. That's the most important thing. So open up LinkedIn, right? Which is where a lot of people like to play, especially this day and age, and you're going to be able to find the demographics, but they show up a certain way on LinkedIn. And, A differently on [00:47:00] Facebook.

[00:47:00] RON: Oh absolutely

[00:47:01] CAT: And so Ron, your kids' pictures are not on LinkedIn. So I can't tell that you're a family guy that you like humor that you're silly Told you cory, I didn't do enough research on you, but I did Ron it. So next episode is all gonna be about Corey, open Facebook on your basic profile. There's so much data about who you are as a human being. And so if I take that list of this person kind of looks like my ideal client but then I add on the aspects where I can see the values and that list becomes shorter, but it becomes better qualified. So I can do a ton of qualifying before ever engaging or interacting with someone, not wasting their time. And most importantly, honestly not wasting mine because just go by demographics. I will tell you someone who lives in the same country, the same age, same relative income status, same ethnicity. And I think the same hair color. Who would you get? Ozzy Osborne and [00:48:00] prince Charles different values. I mean, if you're not all about like biting pigeon heads, like you may want to go with the other guy, if that's your deal, then you know, you got your man and it's a very niche market, but really taking that. And that's our, that's another example of strategic effort into creating. So I'm not bogging my entire pipeline and, you know, conversation load, right. With people who are never going to be aligned energetically with me and that I am not going to want to work.

[00:48:28] RON: Yeah. That was, that was powerful because Corey and I had just recently had to let go of some clients that just didn't fit like the vibe of, you know, we believe there's more than just making money right. You have to want to create an impact for your tribe, and then we'll help you all day long. Like no problem. But if you're in it just for the money, like we are just not your people like that we don't want to surround ourselves with those kinds of people. Cause then guess what? You start to become those kinds of people.

[00:48:59] CAT: You, try and more [00:49:00] and more of , the audiences think. Oh, is this who they really work with? I mean, let people bro out somewhere else?

[00:49:05] RON: Yes! So No, I love that. and I know People are listening. And Cory already said, thanks so much for being here. I have to echo that it's been a phenomenal conversation. And I know this is just the beginning of our connecting, but for people that are listening that are like, I want to get involved with her. Where can they go? How can they find you?

[00:49:24] CAT: Well, I always like to stack the winds before someone ever wants to. kinda, I was going to say something really weird and it like happened to catch it. Usually I don't, I was like, we're not going to do that. I like to stack the winds that was like really solid filtering. I mean, it was, it was a pain to watch

[00:49:41] RON: if you're watching on YouTube, you saw it was good.

[00:49:44] CAT: It was like, oh, hold on. Let me not say that. It was just not going to paint a good coat anyway. So I like to stack the winds before people ever, I was going to say it again, ever want to like, engage with me in any way, shape or form. So, yeah. Anyway, so [00:50:00] basically what I want to provide is like, is there any editing? I usually don't edit my stuff.

[00:50:03] RON: No, no, you're kind of, this is it. This is

[00:50:07] CORY: like that cough that Ron and you had earlier, we'll probably edit those out.

[00:50:10] RON: We'll probablytake that out, butthat's about it. We don't edit that much..

[00:50:14] CAT: All right. So where I want you to go is go check it out, go see if you know, I am everything that it's I'm talking about. So at fully booked at CEO, what you get is instant access access to a three-part training series. And what I give you access to is one how to generate and structure your hour of Legion a day. That's what I ask people to do, to build a system and to maintain it in an hour or less a day. Now, so I show you all about how to structure that. What are the activities that go into doing those Legion activities? The second thing I provide you is you're already connected to your next a hundred K meaning without adding a single new person to your pipeline, you are probably already connected to a hundred thousand dollars. And I don't mean it has to happen in the next year or two or 10. [00:51:00] It can happen in the next quarter, the next month, the next week. that's on you Right, but here, and it depends on your offer, right? So if you've got a thousand dollar offer, you know, you sell a hundred, it's not impossible math. So anyway, and you're connected to more than a hundred people, right? So that's why we look at the quality over the quantity. And so this is social media swipe that you can leverage right now to help some of those people raise their hands to want to work with you and so what is that content right? That you're helping to put out there that helps people raise their hand because we want to be strategic with our content because it's how we have thousands of conversations a day without ever having to always open up our zoom link. Right. So, and that's a whole other area that I talk about in terms of the four P's that go into that. All right. And then the third piece is actually my close script. It's the one that I use. It's one that my clients use and it's how we of hate 80 to 90% close rate. And remember, these are templates you have to infuse your personality, who you are and how you show up in the world. If you read all of the things that are as they're, first of all, there's brackets. So if you copy and paste and says, insert pain point here, if [00:52:00] people are going to know,

[00:52:01] RON: we can not say that,

[00:52:02] CAT: right

[00:52:03] RON: .Pro tip, pro tip.

[00:52:04] CAT: Let's not Do that. But we look at how do we use the structure to create the momentum? Because a lot of times what people are doing is they're creating movement and their business. Sure. You're keeping busy. You're doing things I get it. But is it creating the momentum that you're wanting in your business? And if it's not, then you're probably making it harder than it needs to be so you can check it out fully booked dot CEO.

[00:52:27] CORY: Well I just subscribed. So we'll see maybe that maybe Ron and I can do a recap of the training. After we Go through it. Well We'll check it out. So thanks so much again, Cat it's been fun and you know, we'll give a public shout out to Chris Fayden cause I'm pretty sure he's the one that connected us to have this conversation in the first place. So, anyway again, thanks. And we'll be talking soon I have a feeling

[00:52:52] RON: thanks for coming. We appreciate it.

[00:52:54] CORY: All right, Ron, we've got a couple takeaways. I know we are both [00:53:00] feverishly taking notes today, so, you know, I hope you have one or two to share because if you don't, I got you. I got you covered.

[00:53:07] RON: I got some heavy ones, so I was going back and forth if I was in do heavy or not, but I'm gonna, you have to live up to your own expectations, not other people's expectations. Right. And that's, that's hard, especially if you're going to the wrong people for advice like she was talking about, right. Like if you're going to your parents or, you know, you and I like we're, we're blessed that we have spouses that support us right. And that was one of the conversations we had before we decided to say, honey, I know you like eating and like living in a house, I'm going to quit my job. What do you think? Right. So we had to set the expectations of what it's going to be. And I said, the worst thing that can happen, the worst thing is I have to go find another job. That's the worst thing. It's not like I'm going to make it. So you have to eat cardboard. Like we'll be okay. Like we're going to get the other piece gosh I'm going back and forth here and going back and forth

[00:53:58] CORY: instant. You got to choose. You got to [00:54:00] choose.

[00:54:02] RON: Your enough where you are right now, your enough to get started to do what you're called to do believe in yourself because you are enough. And then when you get to the next stage of your life, guess what? You're going to have all those same feelings, but you're still enough because you're now ready to take that next. You are enough,

[00:54:23] CORY: you know, I think with those two heavy ones, like, I feel like a minor to surface. I can't even share them. I don't know. But at the end of the day, you and I believe fully in. We get on a zoom call as often as, as necessary. If a client needs us, they get a hold of us. Right? Like we, and specifically you we've been told that we're too accessible to everybody, but at the end, yeah. Did the day

[00:54:47] RON: I answer emails or weird times of the day,

[00:54:49] CORY: but we do that for a reason. Right? Like we, we want to take care of our clients. We expect them to give us referrals because of how we take it, care of them. Right. So if you [00:55:00] go back to the connect. Converse and close. And even the other piece to that, which is, you know, another one-liner from, from cat talking about the weather too, whether you work it together. Right.

[00:55:10] RON: I love that. She has cool things to say.

[00:55:13] CORY: I know, like that's a whole nother thing. We could do a show on cats one-liners but having the ability to have real conversations. Having the ability to have real conversations. And that's why we get on as many calls as we can, because we don't have the cookie cutter like, oh, this is it's always $500. Like yeah, you can go to get forward slash editing and see our editing package simple is, you know, what, 397 or something like that. But like everything else, when we talk about all the things that we do for the podcast world, It's it's specific to that client it's specific to their needs because we have real conversations and we can figure out exactly what they need, that fits in with what we can [00:56:00] solve, what problem we can solve for them. So I hope everyone can hear that. Find a way to be real and connect with people. And then as Cat was talking, you'll be able to close before you ever get to the close. Right. So, all right. That's all I got today. That's I hope everyone out there knows. What a pleasure. It was to talk to Cat and because of that, they're going to need to go check out her YouTube channel before me, cause I've yet to do it. Right. So you all got to go to cat's YouTube and find her, watch her. Or if you can be like me, you can go to revenue accelerator and the podcast platform and listen. And, you know, there's some good stuff out there, so. All right, everyone. Thank you so much for listening and we'll talk to you again soon.

[00:56:41] RON: Bye guys

[00:56:41] CORY: Did you know that hindsight acting media agency? We do all things podcasts from launch if you're already doing 10,000 downloads in a week, we handle everything. All you have to do record it. And forget it.

[00:56:52] FEMALE: Guys, if you're launching a podcast, get with these guys. I could not honestly hit the charts without them.

[00:56:58] MALE: I'm not getting paid for this [00:57:00] working. All of you, the professionalism and the system that you guys had for launch the podcast, you guys killed it.

[00:57:08] RON: We want to help the impactors create an impact by just letting you be you and not worry about all this other crazy. Connect with us. All the links will be in the show notes. See you next time. Go create an impact.