Be Like Drew Burks and Sell Over 10,000 Online Courses

Episode Summary

Today on Hindsight HacKing we are joined by another successful entrepreneur that is just perfectly real and giving everyone some incredible tips to move your business in the right direction. Drew Burks; Family man Dog Lover :) 2 Comma Award Winner Helped 3 Different Coaches Build 7+ Figure Businesses Online Sold more than 10,000 courses online

Episode Notes

You ready to listen in yet?  In case you need more info about Drew...


Drew helps entrepreneurs escape the "job life" by showing them how to create, launch, and sell premium offers online


Here's the simple 4-step blueprint Drew used to help clients build 6, 7 and even 8 figure businesses online  



Do NOT make the mistake of mapping out a strategy to take over world .. think "sprint" not a "marathon"!  WHY?  Because you want to be able to execute quickly to get results faster.

Inside of the strategy phase you want to gain clarity on:

**Your Niche:  WHO you want to serve?  HOW you want to serve them?

**Your Offers: WHAT problems will your offer solve for your customer?

**Your System: HOW will you convert prospects into sales

**Your Launch: HOW will you launch your new offer?  

**Your Traffic:  DECIDE what types of traffic you will use ... and make sure to "do the math"



Do NOT make the mistake 9 out of 10 people make by starting to build a "funnel" before you have mapped out your strategy ... doing so will lead to having dozens of half completed funnels that make no money, overwhelm and frustration.

Only start building your "funnel" once you have:

**all of your branding collateral ready to use: color codes, logos, personal photos, etc...

** all of your "on page" copy ready to use: written words, videos, design images, etc...

**all of your required tech integrations ready: payment processors, email marketing, video hosting, etc...

**a clear understanding of your strategy!!!

**a tracking sheet ready to track conversion data



Do NOT make the mistake of spending money on ads if you are not in a position to lose the money!  Ideally you will only spend money on ads IF:

**your offer has been tested/validated already (people have paid you for it)

**you have the money to lose (your expectation should be that the first dollars on ads is typically buying you data not sales)



Do NOT make the mistake of ignoring your conversion data.

It is imperative to your profitability that you track your funnel conversion data and make changes based on the data, and not your emotions!

Here are a few common elements that you will likely be optimizing:

**Ad Targeting Audiences

**Ad Creatives (photos, videos)

**Ad Copy  

**Funnel "On Page" Copy

**Funnel Page Design  

**Offer Stacking & Pricing

**Email Subject Lines & Anchor Text (Links)

**Systems, Tools & Resources


**TIP**-spend extra time on your strategy, and little time on building so that you can get launched (testing/validating your offer) as quickly as possible ... then use the sales income to fund your future ad spend.


PURE GOLD Right there!  You do not want to miss this conversation with Drew!

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Cory Carter


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Episode Transcription

[00:00:00] CORY: [00:00:00] Welcome to Hindsight Hacking.. I'm Cory Carter 

[00:00:08] RON: [00:00:08] and I'm Ron Cool.

[00:00:23] this podcast we've hacked hundreds of entrepreneurs, hindsight to help you the listener with better foresight. Now, guys, if you want to know all about what we can do to help you focus on being you head over to get, keep pushing through those ups and downs. that we all will. 

[00:00:41] CORY: [00:00:41] We're still going to have amazing conversations with amazing people.

[00:00:43] Hindsight hacking boils down to amazing conversations with some amazing people.

[00:00:56] welcome back to hindsight hacking everybody. And today's guest [00:01:00] the one, the only Mr. Drew Burks. Now, if you haven't heard of drew you're missing out because he has already helped three different coaches build seven plus figure businesses online. And He's sold over 10,000 courses online.. So we're not going to spend a lot of time with me talking.

[00:01:19] We're going to actually let Drew talk, tell his story, tell us how he acheived that that fun little award for anybody. That's watching the two comma club award from ClickFunnels and give us a little fee. Give us a little update. What's going on, drew. Welcome to the show. Thank you so much for being here and looking forward to getting to know you.

[00:01:34]DREW: [00:01:34] Hey, well welcome. I appreciate that amazing intro. I should possibly just jump off here right now before I mess it up. But no, that's it, man. I'm stoked to be here. It's awesome. Thank you guys for having me, 

[00:01:44] RON: [00:01:44] Drew we're super excited to have you and just like Corey said, like let's just get to it. Why don't you tell everybody a little bit about yourself.

[00:01:51] I'll give 

[00:01:51] DREW: [00:01:51] you a little backstory. So first and foremost, I am an entrepreneur. I've always been one, but time. Freedom is the most important thing to me. Like I've realized money is not [00:02:00] as important as I once thought it to be. I'm a low key, low maintenance guy. I've realized that all the things that I thought I wanted on the vision board, it just paled in comparison to being able to be at home with my wife and kids and be an at-home present dad.

[00:02:13] And so that's what drives every decision is how much time. It's going to take me execute on that, but you know, it was 2014. So to date myself here, the white beard, but I was running Infusionsoft campaigns. So if anyone knows infusion soft, it's called keep. Now it's a email marketing   automation CRM system.

[00:02:32] And that's what it was doing for a small businesses and, you know, brick and mortar type businesses. And I was running that. And 2014, I had a couple of guys I'd known previously called me and said, Hey, we have a coach as a client. We're running all of her paid ads.. She's doing an in studio event. Can you run the automation the back end.

[00:02:52] She has Infusionsoft and no one knows what they're doing. So real long story short, I agreed to do it. I went there the day of the event and I got to tell you still to this [00:03:00] day, 20, 21 most impressive event I've ever been to is like an Oprah Winfrey studio. I mean, I walked in, she had rented a television crew.

[00:03:09] She had like stadium seating with guests, the stage with the sofas and the guests coming, sitting on the sofa and talking. And it was, you know, it was incredible during the day people were calling in. And at the end of that, I asked her, I said, man, this was so impressive. Amazing. But what'd you make today?

[00:03:25] she's like, well, we did $75,000 and I got to tell I was blown away. But then I asked the million dollar question, well, how much did it cost you to do it? And she's like, well, cost is about 55,000. And so, I mean, listen, I'm still 20, 25 grand. And she had made that day, which was impressive to me. I'd never done that kind of money, but I said to her, Hey, why don't we do a webinar way more affordable to do it.

[00:03:47] I'll help you craft it and script it. And I'll run all the automation and Joe and Josh can do that. It took me about 30 days and persuade her. She wasn't really sure what a webinar was at that time. She'd never done one. She had never even been on one. [00:04:00] So we put one together. We spent $6,800 in ads and we did $220,000 in sales over 10 days.

[00:04:07] And that was the beginning of my quote unquote internet marketing career.  I love you. This is incredible. We made way more without having to plan this studio thing. And so that just changed the trajectory of my life. And we went on in that particular funnel. That was my first of the multi seven figure projects.

[00:04:26] We actually did 3.6 million in the next 22 months with one ugly funnel, one really good webinar and one offer. and that was it.. 

[00:04:37] CORY: [00:04:37] Wow. So how didDid 

[00:04:38] RON: [00:04:38] that 

[00:04:39] CORY: [00:04:39] being the early part of the, of the journey, like how did you really understand and know how to write the webinar? How did you, what process did you learn and how did you know it was gonna work for her? And all that.

[00:04:53] DREW: [00:04:53] Well, I had no idea what was going to work to be, honest with you. But I knew [00:05:00] because I've been like pursuing online marketing since 2008, 2008. And you know, it's, I'd followed people like Frank Kern and Mike Phil, same and all the original kind of the OG people in the space. And so I knew it was possible and I had spent a ton of money and time learning this stuff.

[00:05:17]I knew it was possible. I didn't know how well we were going to do, but I knew that Sonya was her name. I knew she was very polished. I knew she was good at what she did. I knew there was an audience. I mean, she had just done this studio event with people all day calling in. So I knew the pieces were there.

[00:05:35] I just didn't know how well was going to work. And once it did work, you know, she was like, Hey, you're my new best friend 

[00:05:42] CORY: [00:05:42] Right. 

[00:05:42] DREW: [00:05:42] Let's partner up. And so, I was super grateful to her because it was her idea to partner after that. And we went from a consultant basis fee-based to 50% profit share in that deal for 22 months.

[00:05:55] No, it changed. And I, for that point gave me a business model that I could go and enroll [00:06:00] other experts into. And I've just continued to do that. Every sense with other experts, some have been almost as successful. She's probably the most successful and some have been, you know, successful and some have not been so successful.

[00:06:13] And I've realized there's some characteristics between. The seven-figure people and then everyone else 

[00:06:19] RON: [00:06:19] There's the magic right there. It's funny because we had a client that we were helping with her summit was her very first summit, never ran ads, never had a funnel. And she's like, I'm gonna make a million dollars and I was like, Nope, you're not so relax.

[00:06:32] Like, let's temper that down. Let's understand what you're going to do and move forward. You know, you said right there, there's some pieces and parts to the seven figure persona, if you will. Where did you come up with that? Or is it just the people you've worked with that? Hey, these are the, this is what's successful.

[00:06:47] And you started keeping track of here's a personality. Is that what you're kind of talking about or their offer or. 

[00:06:53] DREW: [00:06:53] Yeah, because after, well, not after, but during that time with Sonia and that team, and we're doing so [00:07:00] well, you know, we, my two business partners, we got a little, you know, full of ourselves and we thought, well, we did this once we can do this over and over.

[00:07:08] And so we started taking on people and we were like, don't pay us any money. We'll just take 50% of the profits, right. 

[00:07:14] Right.  

[00:07:14] We don't want any retainer. That's crazy. Let's just get to a million dollars. And the first one didn't work. The second one didn't work. After a bunch of these, that didn't work and we're banging our head going, what's going on?

[00:07:25] We're doing the exact same thing, right. We're running the same type as we had the same webinar, like what's not working out. And that's when we started looking at the partners or the experts, like we get it. Now, the analogy that I think makes it pretty clear to everyone is it's like, if you were going to look at the Hollywood actors and actresses. Right.

[00:07:44] There's a list actors, right? There's a Brad Pitt of the joy Roberts, Jim Carey. They're the people who show up in character and then there's the guy or girl who's working. I hop right now. 

[00:07:55] RON: [00:07:55] Right. 

[00:07:55] DREW: [00:07:55] And they're going to go read lines later. Right. And they're reading them. That's the [00:08:00] difference. And so when we do webinars with people, I have found that it's not me.

[00:08:04] That's going to make them a million dollars. Are they going to take it serious? Like it's a million dollar business. Are they going to practice the script over and over so that if you run into them at a coffee shop, they could go through the whole webinar from start to finish, you know, is that the type of person they are?

[00:08:19] And if so, then they stand a really good chance at being the successful ones. The other ones are just like, they're going to show up and read their slides. Is it scrolling down or looking at their iPhone, trying to read their PA is going to be a long road for those people. 

[00:08:31]CORY: [00:08:31] Yeah. I mean, you got to practice. I mean, anything we're doing, right. I don't care if it's a webinar. I don't care if it's, you know, just trying to do a sales call, right. Like, you're not going to be good if you don't practice it. It's like, if you want to grow and thrive, you've got to practice. But.And so you,Went through the process, you found some of that secret sauce,  and then, you know, where are you at now? Are you still building, are you building funnels for people? You're just, you're big companies building funnels and your built in you're helping them and let the webinar [00:09:00] side, like walk us through kind of what the businesses in stuff that you're doing right now.

[00:09:04] DREW: [00:09:04] Yeah. So my core kind of focus right now is helping coaches, experts, course creators really create their premium, offer, their higher ticket offer, and then showing them how to do that, create it, launch it, sell it in the first 30 days or less, and then showing them how to teach that premium offer through a group program or even one-to-one.

[00:09:23] But then how to break that down and create the signature course from that. And then show them, teach them the numbers and the math, I also find it's incredible. How many people I speak to every day that don't know their numbers. Right. And I'm not talking about sophisticated numbers, I'm talking about two and two or four, right?

[00:09:40] Like how to just track the basic numbers and understand if it's 10%. How to try to get it better. And so I teach them that, and then only after they have that and they have revenue coming in, then do I talk to them about doing webinars and things like that? Because I find if they don't have the offer dialed in, it's not [00:10:00] converting a webinar is not going to do anything except for perpetuate that.

[00:10:03] Right. It's just, they're just going to. Three months down the road with no more sales and then they're going to be mad at me because they spent all this time on a webinar. It didn't work. 

[00:10:11] RON: [00:10:11] Right. Well, I think you, you made a good point right there. It's about setting expectations. You know, they have to understand that they have to have something that's converting before they can kind of scale that piece.

[00:10:21] Right. So when you're talking to people and let's say there's, there's a group that has. This starting to grow and started to converge and they've practiced. What's kind of the next steps you do for people. How do you get them to understand? I guess, taking it serious is the wrong way to phrase it, but I'm going to use that.

[00:10:38] How do you get them to understand if they'd take it a little bit more serious, they're going to get a little bit more back in return. 

[00:10:43] DREW: [00:10:43] I don't know that I'm Capable of getting them to take any more saves. But what I'd like to do is I like to keep them focused on the numbers. So I use a framework that I developed a few years ago.

[00:10:52] It's very simple. I always caution people not to dismiss it because it is so simple. But when I walk clients through it, typically I will hear [00:11:00] something like this. Like, man, I thought it was too simple. but Now I'm getting it. And so it looks like the step one is like, what's the strategy and not the strategy to take over the world.

[00:11:10] I see a lot of gurus teaching this, like, here's the 14 funnels you need. 

[00:11:14] RON: [00:11:14] Right. 

[00:11:14] DREW: [00:11:14] Right. And I look at it like, you know, if you're going to run a marathon, you don't start by running 26.2 miles. You start by, you know, running into the mailbox and back. 

[00:11:23] RON: [00:11:23] Right. Right. 

[00:11:24] DREW: [00:11:24] So I teach them what's the strategy to go. And then B to C and then I teach them to get it built as quick as possible.

[00:11:31] So step one, strategy, step twos, get it built as quick as possible. To let their ego and all the perfection out the window, it doesn't need to be pretty. It just needs to be functional. And then to get it launched. And then step four is where every project I've ever touched has really started to make money and that's optimizing scale.

[00:11:49] And this step four, I teach them to only look at the date. And in fact, all of my revenue and profit share partners, they hate it because every Tuesday, when we [00:12:00] have these calls, they always ask me this, what do you think about this? What do you think about this? And I tell them who cares, what I think here's what the data tells us.

[00:12:08] Right. And I always use this one example because Ian, who's a good friend of mine, a partner, the guy I got this award with, he'll always say something like, I love this ad. I say great, but it got three clicks and he'll go, but I love it. We should use it. I'm like, well, you can make it your screensaver, but we can't use it, like it's not working

[00:12:26] and so I think one of my gifts is I have the ability to operate with zero emotion about it, right? It's just like, well, what the numbers say? And another example is people will call me and say, Hey, can you audit my funnel? My offers not working. And I'll say, well, how do you know that? And I said, well, I want to have any sales.

[00:12:42] I go, we'll show me the data. And it'll always be like, well, no one registered or no one opted in, you know, it's like, so you don't know the offer can be perfect, but nobody's seen it or they've registered, but they didn't attend the webinar. Right. Or they attended the webinar, but they left at 20 minutes and the offer doesn't show up till [00:13:00] 45.

[00:13:00] And they're like, and that's why, I mean, people don't understand the numbers. They just go, well, it's not working 

[00:13:05] RON: [00:13:05] right. 

[00:13:06] DREW: [00:13:06] Maybe, but we don't know, what's not working. We've got to figure that out first. 

[00:13:10] CORY: [00:13:10] Right. And that goes back to what's point a to point B, right? Like what's the data telling you from point a to point B before the offer at point C or wherever it's at.

[00:13:19] DREW: [00:13:19] So, you know, if anyone's out listening, like from a sales perspective, I've found it's great for sales because, you know, once I see it, I always do it on a Google sheet too. Like in a spreadsheet. 

[00:13:30] RON: [00:13:30] Right. 

[00:13:30] DREW: [00:13:30] So I just show him the calculations and then it's not about me. I'm not telling him that right they're Ilike oh.

[00:13:36] Like, I can't do a million dollar webinar with my $10 ad budget. 

[00:13:40] RON: [00:13:40] Why not? 

[00:13:41] DREW: [00:13:41] Right. I go, I, but you know, I heard someone tell me I could do $5 ads. I'm like, well, you can, but you're going to make. $20. 

[00:13:51] RON: [00:13:51] It's amazing how people don't think of it like that went 

[00:13:54] CORY: [00:13:54] going through some of your stuff. And I found your, one of your Facebook groups, or at least the one specific [00:14:00] one.

[00:14:00] And you've got the statement on this that I wanted to just read and then get your take on because I love this and I know Ron and I kind of fell into this trap. When we first launched our companies on the page, it says I helped transform self-employed entrepreneurs into seven figure businesses. Owners.

[00:14:18] And I'd love for you to expand on that and, you know, kind of maybe just T you know, talk about why that statement and talk about, you know, why that's kind of your passion to help people, you know, become that business.

[00:14:29]DREW: [00:14:29] You know, it actually goes back to 2010 when I bought the domain escape, the job life.

[00:14:34] And, you know, at the, I mentioned earlier time, freedom is so important to me. So I, my friend. Love and hate this about me, but I'm always trying to persuade them to quit their jobs and, you know, and they always say to me, well, what do you even do for a living? Like you've never worked. And you know, it's a joke because I probably work more than they do, but I don't get in the car and go to a nine to five every day.

[00:14:55] So that was my original intent. But I learned that it's very difficult to convince people to quit their [00:15:00] job. Right. They got the certainty, the paycheck, or they think it's certain anyway, they get their insurance. And so I gave up on that after a few years and I realized that escape the job life, it's the same thing, but it's the self-employed entrepreneur that I'm looking for.

[00:15:13] They've already made the decision to quit the job they've already experienced working from the cells and they have the freedom, but they're oftentimes stuck, still trading their time for their money. So all of their money is still one-to-one from a client. If the client decides not to pay him, they're back to square one.

[00:15:28] And I spent so many years that way am my own delusion thinking. I had a buisness. And thinking that it was free, but it really, I just had a bunch of bosses now. And so that's what I've tried to escape from help these people with is how do they go from that to, you know, creating a group offer or a higher ticket item offer, not that's in gold, but that gives them the money they can use to then build out the signature course and subsidize the ad spend and get.

[00:15:57] You know, these kind of quote unquote [00:16:00] passive income streams,

[00:16:01]RON: [00:16:01] right? No, I love the mini bosses cause it's so true. It's so true. And I call it with, I call it a little different choose who you want to work with. Right. That's how we've figured out through this process, that there are certain people that we want around us.

[00:16:17] And there are certain people we want to. Expand their business. And there's certain people that we wish them all the best, but they should probably not work with us. And we're okay with that. Right. But at the beginning, you're so afraid to like set those rules for yourself and you're right. You all of a sudden just have multiple bosses.

[00:16:34] Right. And I remember telling Corey and I was like, okay, no more of this person, this is the style of person I don't want to deal with ever again. That's my choice. We're done now. And it's been a much better ride and

[00:16:48]DREW: [00:16:48] it's a blessing to discover that because I, you know, I will never forget the day when I was just sitting at my desk and my income was really great.

[00:16:56] And I was working like three days a week. And I had all these [00:17:00] retainers coming in, but I was miserable and I'd realized that I had liked all of these people at one point, but I could not stand them anymore. Like just the thought of like, when I knew I was going to have to get on the call, I was sick at my stomach.

[00:17:14] I would just come up with a million reasons why I should not get on that phone call. And I just was like, this is crazy. Like, I, you know, it goes against everything that I stand for as an entrepreneur. Like I was doing the lowest level jobs possible. I actually had a t-shirt made that says become the CEO, not the lowest paid employee because I realized that's all I done.

[00:17:36] I just went from like, not working a nine to five with a in theory, a secure paycheck and benefits to having no secure income, no benefits. 

[00:17:44] RON: [00:17:44] And working twice as much. 

[00:17:45] DREW: [00:17:45] And about 12, 12 different people bossing me around. And I was like, this is crazy. Like I got to quit this. So that's what I stand for is that help people get out of that.

[00:17:55] And get to this, you know, seven figure type of lifestyle, and it doesn't have to be [00:18:00] seven figures. I mean, we all throw that number around, but it's, whatever number is going to allow you to just experience life, the way you want to, you know, like I don't have the Lamborghinis and the flashy stuff. I just, you know, like I'm wearing clothes that are 10 years old and what's important.

[00:18:17] I get to wake up and go to bed with my kids every day and take them to school and coach their sports and volunteered their camps. Like that's what drives me. 

[00:18:26] RON: [00:18:26] Nice 

[00:18:26] CORY: [00:18:26] a hundred percent. That is where, you know, Ron and I went this whole direction was the start of that conversation of someone dictating the time that we had to put in.

[00:18:38] And, you know, I think before we started recording, I told you I was at my son's baseball game and you know, every year I do that and he's got like three or four Friday, you know, morning or afternoon games. Right. And that's like, I want that freedom to be able to go do that. I have that freedom to go do that now.

[00:18:54] Like, you know, that's the way it should be for anybody out there, but, but Drew let's circle back a little [00:19:00] bit. When I did the introduction, I wanted to relate this to the hindsight question today, you've sold 10,000 courses that has over 10,000 courses. That is a big number. In hindsight, you know, hindsight's 2020 can, what can you share with all the people, with the knowledge that you have about how you've sold courses about how you've gone that route?

[00:19:24] What's the secret sauce, if you will, because I know there's some people out there, like they're stuck trying to build the core. They are, they have not followed the system to build it as fast as possible to get the data yet. Like they're stuck right there. Or there's others that have built a course and sold one, which is almost worse than selling zero.

[00:19:42] Right. And you know, so what's in hindsight, what's that knowledge that you can share of how someone can go from zero to a thousand sales on a course to then 10,000 plus like where you were at. 

[00:19:53] DREW: [00:19:53] Yeah. That's a great question. And you know, I'm grateful that the way. You know, shared what you did because a couple of things, I would say the [00:20:00] biggest mistake I would see is building or creating it first, right?

[00:20:03] When it comes to courses, you know, you always want to sell it first. And I know this rubs a lot of people, the wrong way. I had a guy, you know, it was on a sales call. The other day, yelled at me. He got mad, told his wife there, no, no way they're doing business with me because someone had just sold them something that they didn't deliver it.

[00:20:21] And listen, it goes without saying, if you sell something you need to deliver. And if you don't deliver it, you need to refund the money. Right? So let's just get the obvious out of the way. But I hear from people all the time where they'll tell me, I mean, just this week, I've talked to three different people.

[00:20:35] They all have the same story. They're on different continents. They don't know each other. They didn't get together and come up with this story, right? This is a common story that people have is I've paid this person for this. I paid that person for this and you know, my websites half done and my funnels half done.

[00:20:52] And my memberships over here, there's no sales right. Like none of that matters, like, so I tell people, just sell [00:21:00] it first, decide number one, you even like selling it, you know, do people want to buy it? It's not so much about Willie buy. It's like, can you get the offer in front of them? And can you articulate in a way that they want to buy it?

[00:21:14] So for me, the magic sauce or secret sauce, if you will. Sell it focus on selling it, not building funnels and emails and automation, because that's just gonna be a time suck. It's going to cost you money and it's not going to do anything to sell the product. Right. The funnel is not going to sell anything we've been sold in this.

[00:21:32] Like you just need one funnel right, but that's not true. You need an offer. That's what you need. 

[00:21:37] CORY: [00:21:37] One hundred Percent.

[00:21:38]DREW: [00:21:38] So 

[00:21:39] that's the first secret sauce I would say sell it first and I can share countless examples of how we've done that. And we're not that smart. So I can also share countless examples of how we've not done it that way, but the data's clear one way we had success one way he did not.

[00:21:54] So, you know, you can learn it now or, you know, call us back in a few months and tells you [00:22:00] learned it the hard way. 

[00:22:01] RON: [00:22:01] A hundred percent true 

[00:22:02]DREW: [00:22:02] The second data honestly is I'll go back to, you know, the Sonia story. So after we launched and we did 220,010 days, we took a little break and I said, she came back and said, let's partner.

[00:22:15] And we said, well, let's just automate this thing. And we did it, we did the webinar and we automated it. And, but it wasn't working after like 30 or 45 days. We'd done like 20 grand. All right. Well, what's like, what's going wrong. It's the same offer, same ads. And it was at that moment when I said, well, let's just put all the numbers on a sheet and let's just see it so we can all look at it and just see what's happening.

[00:22:40] And so we did that and we made some changes and the traffic team ran the traffic. We looked at what was happening in the funnel. We made some changes to the copy, and then we realized that automated webinars, not the same as just taking a live recording and we start making changes. And within about 45 days, maybe 60, we had [00:23:00] broke a hundred grand a month in that.

[00:23:01] So secret sauce was looking at the data and making the decisions and we just ran it that way. here's what's happening 

[00:23:09] RON: [00:23:09] No.. That is so sure. We, we were exactly in that boat where we help some people launch some courses and we were talking about a course and the worst thing that can happen is you sell one.

[00:23:18] Cause then you have to do all the work for one, or you can just give back 

[00:23:21] DREW: [00:23:21] Or refund. 

[00:23:22] RON: [00:23:22] Right You can give back more money. Right. So we started leaking, we were going to do something and we we're like, okay, before we do the funnel. Like we had no funnel. We had nothing, we just started talking about something we were going to do.

[00:23:33] And we limited it to 10 spots because it was all a done for you type of product. And literally it's sold out before we have a funnel and then we're like, holy smokes. Now we have to put another like, oh my gosh. Now we have to get the word. Now we have to do it. And we delivered on it, but that's when you have to get to work when you fund it.

[00:23:52] And I think there's so many companies out there that kind of do this but, Elon Musk does this really well, like cyber truck, [00:24:00] right? So he it's a a hundred dollars deposit. Everybody that wants a cyber track. I did not buy one. However, a lot of people did because that's how he funds it to actually make the product.

[00:24:11] And if no one bought it, guess what? There would be zero cyber truck out there. 

[00:24:14] DREW: [00:24:14] Right, 

[00:24:15] RON: [00:24:15] right. 

[00:24:16] DREW: [00:24:16] It's so logical And, you know, I think people get hung up on this, like selling it first is like somehow bad, but we do it all day in our eyes. Right? Like when you buy a movie ticket, you don't right. You go to the movie, like, especially online.

[00:24:29] I used to go there and you'd buy the standard and, go in. But now I was by the movie ticket online or concert. How many times have you bought a concert ticket for a concert? Four months in advance. 

[00:24:39] RON: [00:24:39] Yeah, 

[00:24:40] DREW: [00:24:40] I used to be in real estate. Like there are a lot of developers that pre-sell their 30 stories high, rise

[00:24:47] before they build anything. I mean, so it happens. It's just an expectation, right? If you sell someone something and they expect it to be available right now, it's not, then you have a problem. So it's just, you know, I think it's [00:25:00] common sense, but maybe people don't have so much common sense. Like you tell them, Hey, this is going to be available on this day, or I'm going to deliver it live on this day and people are cool with it.

[00:25:09] Yea. 

[00:25:09] CORY: [00:25:09] Right. So 

[00:25:10] one final question from me today. Druke and it's definitely been a pleasure to get to know you speak our language. So this is super great, but. If people look for you, they, and they find drew Burks.Com and you've got, you know, super simple one page. 

[00:25:27] DREW: [00:25:27] Yeah. I don't even know what's there. Tell me

[00:25:32] CORY: [00:25:32] it's a super simple, just one pager. And it says, are you ready to transfer knowledge into a profitable business? Right? Like it's doing exactly what you say, you, what you're helping people to do, helping map out the strategy, work on the offer, build everything. Right. And then, you know, you've got some templates and stuff you can get and it's just, you know, email and you can send that, that lead magnet.

[00:25:55] So what's kind of the thought behind some of that. And, [00:26:00] you know, it's just, what's the experience like for someone to work with you kind of through that avenue. 

[00:26:04] DREW: [00:26:04] Well, I'd 

[00:26:05] like to think the experience is amazing and fantastic. Certainly, you know, the best way for anyone to get in touch with me when they want like real up-to-date information is just to go to Facebook or Instagram or something like that, where they can just direct message me.

[00:26:19] And I say that because said it and try to make it funny, but it's truth. I don't even know what's at that drew site anymore. I have a bunch of different sites and I'm always putting things up and throwing things up. I operate off of a done is better than doing. I operate off a, you know, imperfect action is better than perfect planning, right?

[00:26:37] These like cliche. So I just put things out and sometimes I even forget to take them down, which has happened. And, you know, I had a webinar maybe a year and a half. I'd put out a webinar, but I put it on a page. Drew I think it was like drew or something like that. I'd forgot it was there.

[00:26:56] And one day my phone rang and it was a lady saying, Hey, laundry [00:27:00] side, just watches webinars. Order forms not working. I want to sign up and I was like, what's this site again? Let me check it. And I had to go real. I look at it and she was trying to send me $5,500 for an offer that I had never even really launched.

[00:27:14] I had just taken this video, this webinar and put it up on this page. And I don't know how she found it. And so, you know, it was like, well, I should use that webinar probably if it's working, 

[00:27:24] RON: [00:27:24] You should probably use it more. 

[00:27:27] DREW: [00:27:27] So I I like to put things up in Tuscan, but then, you know, if someone really wants just to get in touch with me, they're like, Hey, it's, you know, whatever day it is, Just Dm me im super easy to get in touch with I'm accessible.

[00:27:38] I don't have a big team managing my profile. Like if you message me, I'm the one messaging you knew back. So that's one thing, but when it's like to work with me, you know, I told you, I'd like to think it's great and amazing all this, but it's really about just getting stuff done, right? It's about going if we're here and we want to be here.

[00:27:56] What are the steps have to get done and we're not going to get it done [00:28:00] perfectly. It may not even be that pretty, but we are going to get here. And I always tell my clients day one, like I'm going to be as committed to this project as you are. And at times more, so you need to be okay with that and you need to be okay with me holding you accountable, because if you're not, this is not going to work out.

[00:28:18] And I don't want you to say yes now and then a week regret it. So it's just it's results oriented. And, you know, that's just what it's about it's not being flashy. Just, we just want to get stuff done. So, 

[00:28:29] RON: [00:28:29] no, I think that again, you're speaking right to us. We talk about done beats perfect all the time, because if you're looking for perfection, it's probably never going to happen.

[00:28:38] So just get something done and understand if you're, you know, on the right path or not. So I know there's people out here that are listening and they're like, oh my gosh , I want to get involved. Do you have space or do you have things open or kind of, where can they get involved and get into your world a little bit?

[00:28:57] DREW: [00:28:57] Yeah. Yeah. I would say it, you know, if you're listening to [00:29:00] this or watching this wherever you might be, if you are looking to create a premium offer, a high ticket offer and you want to get it created launch and start selling the next 30 days, then you should direct message me. Yes, we have a group program.

[00:29:12] It runs 90 days. So there's room for people to come in, right? It's a scalable offer. So if you work with me, I'm going to encourage you to do the same type of thing. But every week we have group coaching calls. We have co-working sessions, which are super fun. People come on, zoom like this, and you know, everyone's logged in and we're just there to get things done. That's what those co-work sessions are about. And then we also have one-to-one accountability and checklist just me and you to get on and work through. And again, the first phase is to get your premium offer, created launch and sold. And then after that, it's about how do you take that?

[00:29:48] Create your signature course or your group coaching program. So you can start to scale. And then beyond that, it's really getting you where you have traffic coming in. So you have enough data. To look at so you can scale. 

[00:30:00] [00:29:59] CORY: [00:29:59] Perfect. All right, drew, definitely a blast. Thank you so much for joining us today.

[00:30:04] And I know everyone's going to get some value out of this, especially when we break it up into all the little micro content that we'll break it up. 

[00:30:11]DREW: [00:30:11] Yeah. I can't wait. I'm so excited.

[00:30:12]CORY: [00:30:12] I'm looking foreward to seeing what we get. We get seeing 

[00:30:14] the gold nuggets that I know you dropped, so yeah, I appreciate your time today. 

[00:30:17] DREW: [00:30:17] Well, guys, I appreciate you.

[00:30:18] Thank you. Have a great weekend. Let me know if I can ever be of any help. 

[00:30:21] RON: [00:30:21] Alright thanks Drew.. 

[00:30:22] DREW: [00:30:22] Alright Thanks guys. Bye-bye. 

[00:30:25] CORY: [00:30:25] All right, Ron, another amazing conversation we just had with an incredible guest. I love what we do first and foremost. I love being able to have these conversations. And I know like I started this conversation with drew beforehand.

[00:30:42] And so it was a total shock to you. Right. So I don't know. I think that's fun. Just like when we have Dale or someone else on the show, it's like, okay, I don't know who we're talking to, but let's go like this. So fun. So anyway, besides that a couple of takeaways as always, I'm sure you [00:31:00] have a few. 

[00:31:01] RON: [00:31:01] Yeah. And I think it one, he speaks our language so well, right.

[00:31:04] So one just start taking small steps towards the goal you're trying to achieve. If you don't start taking small steps, you will never take any significant progress toward the goals. You're trying to make. Period. End of story. Small steps, keep going and then really understand what you're trying to. So we talk about this all the time.

[00:31:25] If you're in it to make money, it needs to be deeper. Right. So for us, it's truly about that time freedom. And he mentioned that, right. So how do you achieve what you're trying to do? What's the systems you have to put into place to achieve what you're trying to do. So you don't become stuck in fulfillment mode.

[00:31:45] CORY: [00:31:45] Yeah. Yeah. I mean, the. It's pretty crazy. So just to circle back on that a little bit run Drew ha he mentioned his four steps, right? And people can go to his Facebook group. Escape the job life [00:32:00] and they would find some posts that he made two days ago, literally explaining this, but the four pieces, his, that he goes through, number one is the strategy, right?

[00:32:10] Like figuring out what your niche is, who you're serving, how your offer is, how you're delivering that offer all that fun stuff. Then you build it, right? Like build it and just done is done beats perfect. Just don't wait to just build as fast as possible launch. It is the third step. And then you optimize and scale, right?

[00:32:28] Like, you know, so many people get stuck on the first thing or they get stuck on the building phase and they just never take the final step to launch. And so done beats perfect my friends. Done beats. Perfect. And if you follow Drew's methods, stratified the strategy, do the building launch it and optimize like you won't fail if you're going through that.

[00:32:49] Right. Like that's it, it's just, I love those steps. I love that. He talks about the done beats. Perfect. Because again, it speaks language where we're right [00:33:00] there. We believe that we'll wholeheartedly and, and you know, then you can track that. Then you can see, like, is it messed up in the first part? Where are you built it?

[00:33:09] Or is it messed up in the offer? Cause you know, like you track the data. So anyway, super fun. Super grateful that we get to do what we do. And for anybody out there. Thank you for listening. 

[00:33:20] RON: [00:33:20] Thanks guys. And Again. Go make an impact. 

[00:33:23] CORY: [00:33:23] Did you know that hindsight acting media agency? We do all things podcasts from launch.

[00:33:28] If you're already doing 10,000 downloads in a week, we handle everything. All you have to do record it and forget it 

[00:33:34] FEMALE: [00:33:34] guys. If you're launching a podcast, get with these guys. I could not honestly hit the charts without them. 

[00:33:40] MALE: [00:33:40] I'm not getting paid for this, but working with both of you, the professionalism and the system that you guys had to launch the podcast.

[00:33:49] You guys it's killed it. 

[00:33:50] RON: [00:33:50] We want to help the impactors create an impact by just letting you be you and not worry about all this other crazy stuff. Connect with us. All the links will be in the show notes. see you [00:34:00] next time go create an impact.